Only twenty two - 9

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Naruto swallowed.

"It happened when I was 22, so about 3 years ago; my first ever relationship"


"G'morning babe"

"Good morning"

"I feel amazing, I still can't believe last night happened" Naruto said, kissing Sasuke good morning.

"I'm glad you feel well, but uh... remember that therapist they made me go see after- um... after Itachi passed away?"


"Well, I think you should also go see her"

"Do you want me to go to a therapy session with you? Sure I'd be happy to-" Naruto began, but Sasuke cut him off.

"No, sweetie, I want you to go"

"Hm? But why? I don't need therapy"

"I just... feel like there are some things that therapy will help you unpack"

"I mean... okay, if you insist" Naruto said in a slightly confused tone.

So, Naruto began going to therapy every other day, and Sasuke noticed a lot of behavioral changes in Naruto.

It took about a month and a half for Naruto to finally take him to a session, which was a lot sooner than Sasuke expected.

~Back to present time~

"I was finally out of the closet after being in it for my whole entire life, I was away from my parents and I felt free, I was ready to put myself out there"

Sasuke who was sitting next to Naruto on the couch noticed the dread in Naruto's voice, while the therapist who was facing them said nothing, she just wrote stuff in her notebook.

"I didn't exactly really pick the people wisely, and I ended up dating the first guy who showed interest in me without checking for any red flags, one of the first things I should've seen as a red flag is that he was a lot older than me... about 30 years old"

Naruto swallowed again.

"At first, he was really sweet and caring, and I genuinely thought he was the one for me, but... he became really possessive-"

Naruto had to stop so that he could breathe.

"Um..." he bit his lip, not sure how to continue.

Sasuke who couldn't stand seeing his boyfriend in pain, reached his hand out and gently touched Naruto's pinky with his own.

But Naruto wouldn't look at him, almost like he couldn't.

"He didn't like it when I went out of the house, he kept a gps tracker on my phone, and whenever I turned it off, he'd yell at me, accusing me of cheating on him, saying that I didn't love him anymore... and that if I did love him I would stay with him at all times..."

Naruto took a shaky breath.

"And I have never been in a relationship before, I thought that this was normal, he said that this was love, and I didn't know anything else... he'd threaten to... to- to kill himself if I left him, so... I stayed..."

Naruto stopped talking, he stayed silent for a while, trying to collect himself.

Sasuke tried to fully hold Naruto's hand, but Naruto just flinched and pulled away.

"Eventually, the abuse turned physical, if I didn't cook him the meal he wanted he would... beat me, he'd... hit me in all kinds of places... over and over... I wouldn't be able to move the next day..."

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