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A normal boring ass day at school, the class had to answer a question before they could go to the playground for recess. The question they have to answer is "What was your first words?" And this is when things went downhill. She's 6.

"Done." Ray got up and put the paper on the teacher's desk.
As Ray was going out the classroom, the teacher called her over.
"What's this?" He was referring to the paper.
"The assignment."
"What was your first words?"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Your first words."
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Ray said.
"We're going to the office and I'm calling your parents."
Ray looked at him confused.
"Don't make that face, let's go."
"Okie dokie." She grabbed her bookbag.
He took Ray to the principal's office and called her parents, twenty minutes later Ben and Pico came.
"What happened?"
"Tell them what you told me Rayna."
"Um, shut the fuck up?"
Ben and Pico looked at her surprised.
"Ray! You can't say that!"
"Why not?" She asked.
"That's a bad word." Pico said.
"But papa you and sissy called each other bitches, and you called her a hoe. Ray still doesn't know what that is."
"Well sweetie, papa can explain that. Right?" Ben smiled at Pico.
Pico looked away and nodded.
"Papa isn't supposed to say cuss words in front of you but sometimes I forget. But you can't say it." Pico looked at Ray.
"Ray didn't do anything wrong, I want my lawyer." She pouted.
"You don't have one."
"Then Ray's going to get one right now." She got up and walked out of the office.
A minute later Ray came back in with Mateo.
"My client says you're trying to set her up."
"Ray he's not a lawyer." Pico said.
She whispered something in his ear.
"She says I am even though I'm not sure what that is or what a client is. Should I Google that?"
She whispered something else to him.
"Ok I'll try my best. Ray says that she did nothing wrong and answered the question."
"What question?" Ben asked.
"I asked them to write what their first words were."
"Ray did, shut the fuck up." She said confused.
She whispered something else to him.
"My work here is done, good day." Mateo walked out.
"Oh. We get it now."
"Get what?" The teacher said confused.
"Those were her first words." Pico said.
"For real?"
They nodded.
"She heard him say it."
"I didn't mean to say it-"
"Why are you lying? You did mean to say it, you told B3 to shut the fuck up. Take responsibility for your actions." Ray said.
"Ok ok, I didn't know you were close by when I said that." Pico sighed.
"Yes thank you. Can we go home?"
"Mhm." Ben smiled and picked her up.
"That was all right?" Pico asked.
"Yeah you can go now, sorry for the confusion."
"It's fine, have a good day." They walked out of the office.
"Daddy, is Ray in trouble?"
"No you're not in trouble baby." Ben kissed her forehead.
"Is papa in trouble?"
"Hmm, maybe."
"Huh? But I didn't do shit this time." Pico said.
Ben and Ray looked at him.
"Wait I didn't mean to say that-"
"Yep papa is in trouble, and for his punishment I'm not giving him any kisses."
"You don't mean that right?" Pico asked.
Ben stared at him then looked at Ray.
"Hey honey, want to get some ice cream?" He smiled.
"Yes please." She snuggled in his chest.
"You're so adorable." Ben kissed her cheek and went over to the door.
"Babe you don't mean it right...? Pico followed after them.

Damn f for my mans Pico 😔

🦈Hey hey, I wanted to give you guys something funny or happy to read (this shit probably isn't funny, I tried) since the one I was telling you guys about may be sad. Also it's over 3,000 fucking words! I want to finish it tonight but I honestly don't know how long it'll take me. Anyway, hope you enjoyed 🦈

Word Count: 685

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