Dark Thoughts

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Ray's four in this, this is basically Ray scaring the shit out of Pico and mostly Ben.

Ray was sitting outside holding her plushie lost in her thoughts until Ben came to check on her.

"Hey Ray how are you?"
She didn't respond, she just kept looking forward not moving a inch or blinking which scared Ben.
"Ray are you ok?" Ben waved his hand in her face and she still didn't respond.
"Ray baby you're scaring me!" He poked her cheek and she finally moved making Ben jump a little.
"Ah daddy how long have you been there?"
"For a little, I was trying to call you. Are you ok?"
"Mhm just thinking is all..."
"What about?"
Ray turned her head to Ben and made a blank but scary face.
"Hey hey daddy... did you know that a body decomposes four times faster in water than on land?"
Ben felt his heart drop, what made her say that?
"W-What... h-how, w-where did you hear that f-from?"
She smiled.
"Daddy can I tell you something I've been thinking about?"
Ben hesitated because he was still surprised and kinda scared about what Ray said but still listened.
"S-sure sweetie."
"They say when we die we go to heaven or hell but what if it isn't real? Do we just float around waiting for one to appear or are we reincarnated?"
Ben was now absolutely terrified thinking about what his daughter said.
"H-hey do you w-want a snack?" Ben managed to get out.
Ray smiled innocently.
"Mhm!" Ben picked her up and brought her to the kitchen, he sat her in the chair and grabbed some animal crackers. He put some on a napkin and she started eating it.
"She looks so innocent..." Ben was still spooked, hell I would be too if my child suddenly said that.

When she got done they sat on the couch and watched TV. A couple minutes later Pico came back.

"Hey I'm back."
"Papa!" Ray sat up, Pico went over to the couch and lifted Ray in the air making her giggle.
"Hey Pico." Ben got up and kissed his cheek.
"Hey Softie... are you ok you look like you just saw a ghost?"
"Um... can I talk to you?"
Pico put Ray on the couch.
"We'll be right back Ray." Pico pat her head and they went in the hallway to talk.
"So what's up?"
"Did you by any chance tell Ray something disturbing?"
"No why what happened?"
"Um... I let Ray play outside and I went inside to water the plant. When I went back out she was sitting on the ground not moving. And when I got her attention she said she was thinking, she told me that a body decomposes four times faster in water than on land."
"I knew she was a deep thinker but I wouldn't have imagine she would say something like that." Pico was kinda surprised.
"Not just that, she also was thinking about what happens when we die, if heaven and hell were real and...it kinda scares me thinking about what she said." Ben said.
"She- she really said that?" Pico said concerned.
"Mhm!" Ben nodded.
"Maybe she heard it on TV?" Pico guessed.
Ben didn't think so but went along with it.
"Maybe..." Ben mumbled.
Pico put a hand on Bens cheek.
"I'm sure it's fine babe." Pico smiled.
"You say that yet you're worried to." Ben pouted.
"You got me." Pico chuckled as he moved his hand on Bens head patting it.

They went back to the living room and saw Ray watching the news. It was talking about how a man murdered his wife and the evidence. Ben and Pico sat down with her.

"That guy wasn't very smart." Ray suddenly said.
"What makes you say that?" Pico asked confused.
Ray made that same blank yet scary face and she stared at the TV.
"He stabbed her and ran off leaving the knife as evidence, if I was him I would've wore gloves before stabbing her and then burned the body and threw it in the ocean but I guess that would've still made the guy a suspect because the spouse is always the main suspect in these kind of cases. And there's a possibility the body would've been found if he burned it but he could've went about murdering her smarter." Ray smiled still making the same face.
Pico was shocked and Ben was extremely scared because he witnessed her scary behavior again.
"Um w-wow definitely wasn't expecting that." Pico said kinda frightened by Ray.
"R-Ray is e-everything ok?" Ben asked.
She turned her head to Ben and gave a innocent smile.
"Everything's swell daddy." She turned back to the TV leaving Ben and Pico concerned.

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