Funny Scenarios Part 8

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Pico: You were wrong.
B3: ...I have been wrong about a lot of things this week.
B3: You're gonna have to be more specific.


Ben: B3, I caught you sneaking out of the kitchen in your underwear with a Oreo in your mouth. We have no secrets, now ask your damn question.


Ray: *whispering* Hey don't tell the others but you're my favorite.
Mateo: I think they're aware.


Ray: I wasn't sad..
B3: You cried for 45 minutes and begged Mateo not to leave, so Neo had to go get you a ice cream.
Ray: That was ages ago!
B3: That was ten minutes ago.


Pico: My future partner must be of the utmost logical mindset and-
Ben: *trips over potted plant and then apologizes to it*
Pico: I want that one.


Ray: When I was younger I had a crush on a girl in my class and didn't know how to deal with it so I wrote her a letter that just said "get out of my school."
B3: ....I heard of love making people do crazy things but that's new.


Pico: What's happening here? What did they do?
Police: Do you know these guys? They were drinking while driving-
Ben: With all due respect, sir, we were NOT drinking while driving.
B3: Yeah! Only at stop signs!
Neo: What do you take us for?
Pico, police: *sighs*
Pico: I'm sorry for-
Ben, Neo, B3: BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Ray: If I cut off my leg and swing it at your head, am I hitting or kicking you?
B3: You'll probably end up mentally scarring me more than anything..


Pico: We're inviting you and Nene to dinner tonight.
Darnell: Yes I'll be there!!
Pico: We're making spaghetti and meatballs.
Darnell: Swaghetti and memeballs.
Pico: You're uninvited.
Darnell: That's fair.


Caller: We have your daughter.
Nene: I don't have a daughter.
Caller: Then who the fuck insulted all of us and made my worker cry?
Nene: Oh my god you have Ray..


B3: Dinners on the table!
Neo, walking in to see B3 sitting seductively on the table:
Neo: But it's lasagna night..


B3, whispering to Ben: Soft has no idea I'm high.
Ben: You're high?
B3: Oh sorry.
B3, whispering to Neo: Soft has no idea I'm high.


Pico: Can I take you to the movies? You know if you're allowed.
Ben: If I'm allowed?
Pico: Yeah.
Pico: We're not usually allowed to take snacks in.


Pico: I have no fears.
Ray: What if you woke up one day and daddy was taller than you?
Pico: ....I have one fear.


Ben: Dammit B3!
B3: What!? It wasn't me!
Ben: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit Neo!
Neo: Not me either.
Ben: Oh...then who set the house on fire?
Pico: *whistles*

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