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Takes place when their in highschool.

Ben and Grace were walking to school together, Ben was hoping to see Pico but he was nowhere to be found.

"Benji you there?"
"Are you ok?"
"Y-yeah just thinking is all..."
"Oh it's supposed to storm later. Did you bring your umbrella?"
Ben hated when it stormed, the rain was calming for him but the part he hated was the thunder. It always scared him, he never told anyone not even Grace or Pico.
"I didn't bring it." Ben chuckled nervously.
"Oh no, Benji! You should check the news more. I won't be able to walk home with you, I have to leave school early for a doctor's appointment."

They soon arrived at school going to their classes. Ben was taking notes while the teacher was talking. Well it seemed like he was but in reality he was thinking if Pico came to school.

I wonder if Pico came to school today, we don't always walk together but when he sees me he usually waves. Maybe he's skipping class in the shed, I'll check after class- wait what am I thinking?! I felt my face heat up and heart beat faster, why do I feel this way about Pico... I- feelings are confusing. A hour flew by and it was time for second period, I went to check the shed but he wasn't there. Maybe he's in the art room, I still have five minutes to get to class I have time. I went to the art room and was about to open the door- "Boo!" *Beep* I got scared and almost fell until a hand grabbed me. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." It was Pico.

Pico pulled Ben up apologizing, his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink, Ben then noticed Picos hand was on his waist causing the smaller individual to turn red. Pico also turned red and let go of him.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to scare you."
"I-Its ok..."
"What are you doing here?"
"Ah I u-um wanted to see if you were in there."
"I was for a little, shouldn't you get to class?"
Ben looked at the clock seeing he had a minute left or he would be late.
"Ah b-bye!"
Ben and Pico went to their classes and eventually it was time for third period.

"I guess Grace left already." Ben was getting a book from his locker for his math class, he then heard rain pouring down.
"Oh no..."
Ben went to class worried about hearing thunder.

Another time skip brought to you by Oreos. Would you kill for some?


It was the lunch bell, Ben went to the art room where he and Pico usually go during lunch. He opened the door expecting to see him but he wasn't inside. Ben closed the door and grabbed a canvas some paint and sat it on the easel. He looked out the window watching the downpour, hoping he wouldn't hear any thunder. He started painting a butterfly until *BOOM*

Ben fell off the stool.
"I-Its ok your ok..."
Ben calmed himself down a little and was about to go back to painting
"Please stop..."

Pico POV
Damn test, I shouldn't have fell asleep. Just two more questions and I can leave. Five minutes later I finished and walked out the class heading to the art room. "Actually I'm gonna go to the vending machine first." I went to the vending machine and got a soda, juice and candy, then went to the art room. "Maybe he's already in there." I opened the door "Hey Softie you in here- Softie!" He was on the floor curled up into a ball, I rushed over to him "What happened?!" "Pico...ah nothing I'm fine!" Softie sat up forcing a smile, "But your crying..." He wiped his tears "I'm fine really!"


Ben yelped again and covered his head with his arms tearing up again.
Pico looked at Ben with a worried expression, he wanted to ask him if he was scared of thunder though it was pretty obvious to him.
"Softie, are you scared?"
Ben looked at Pico full of tears, he didn't want to tell him because he thought Pico would make fun of him.
"I... I-"
Ben clung onto Pico whimpering. Pico hugged him tight trying to comfort him.

Pico POV
This is bad... it's supposed to storm for the rest of the day. He won't last long, what should I do? Should I tell him or will he get more scared? Maybe I should tell him ahead of time "Softie I know your scared but..." He looked up at me waiting for me to continue "It's gonna storm all day..." He buried his head in my shirt crying still. "Lunch is almost over, at dismissal I'll meet you by your locker ok?" He nodded, I gave him the juice box hoping it would calm him down. It did a little, I then gave him the candy his eyes lit up with joy, it was so adorable- wait what am I thinking?! "Thwank ywo..." He mumbled while eating the candy, "No problem." I looked at the time and we had five minutes left until lunch was over, "How are you feeling?" "A little better..."

Timeskip to five minutes later

"Ok you remember what I said?" We waited a little for the hall to clear up, "Yeah."

They went to their fourth period class. I'm gonna skip to the end of the day because their just going to another class.

*Ring Ring*
The bell rung signaling it was time to go, Ben waited at his locker like Pico asked. Though he was taking a while.

"Hey Softie you ready?"
Ben got startled and jumped a little.
"Oh my bad."
They walked to the front door of the school looking at the downpour.
"Well shit..." Pico said.
Ben on the other hand looked terrified, Pico saw how worried he was. He pulled out his umbrella and put it up.


Ben jumped and started whimpering, Pico was thinking about what they should do and got a idea.
"Hey B I got a idea but can you handle it?"
Ben looked at Pico confused on what he was talking about.
"We can take the bus but we'll have to walk a little-"
Ben started freaking out and crying.
"I-Its ok Ben I'm here please don't cry!"
"I-I can't d-do it!"
Ben was about to walk away but Pico grabbed his hand.
"Wait I'll figure something else out."
Ben walked back over to Pico still crying, Pico started patting his head hoping he would calm down because whenever he does Ben would calm down but it wasn't working this time.
"What are you still doing here Pico?"
Pico turned around to find the guidance counselor, he didn't get along with other teachers but the counselor never judged him and he felt like he could talk to her.
"Oh my is he ok?"
He didn't even notice her get closer.
"I'll give you guys a ride home."
"Oh shit really?"
"Mhm you can't walk in this weather." She gave a bright smile.
"Hey Softie it's gonna be ok."
They walked to her car, Pico held onto Ben going into the parking lot.

They got in the car and went to Bens house first.

"I'll walk you to the door."
Pico and Ben got out of the car and made their way to his porch.
"I'll text you later B."
"Ok, thank you." Ben gave a sweet smile that melted Picos heart.
"N-No problem."
They waved and went their separate ways, Pico got back in the car.
"Is that the boy you always talk about?"
"Ah young love, how sweet."
She noticed Pico turned a crimson red when she said that and laughed, she then drove off going to Picos house.

Young love huh?

🦈Hey hey! I hope you enjoyed this one shot. Also I'll take request but no NSFW. Anyways Byeonara🦈

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