I still remember the first fall of snow And how it glistened as it fell

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"So he knows?" Viviane asked.

Lilliana nodded and moved aside and Eris stepped out. 

And they both were sure that they saw Viviane breathe a sigh of relief.

"Did you just-

"Look, I'm sorry but I couldn't hide it from him." Viviane said and moved aside as well revealing Kallias. Lilliana and Eris looked at each other and shook their heads. 

"Why did you tell him?" Lilliana asked her.

"I can ask you the same thing." Viviane said

"Because it was my plan." Lilliana replied.

Viviane sputtered.

Lilliana still had her eyebrow raised and her sharp eyes directed at the girl.

"Tell me." She pressed Viviane.

But Viviane was racking her mind for an answer. 

"She told me because I asked her about it-

And as soon as the words were out of his mouth, Lilliana glared at Viviane, only doubting the girl.

"I didn't tell him anything before he asked me about it. So I don't know who told him that you would plan, it could've been him." The last sentence gestured towards Eris.

"Why would-

Eris had begun and was interrupted by Lilliana.

"He didn't do it, Viviane." She said.

Eris's heart bloomed with happiness at her trusting him. 

"I knew you would scheme, so I asked her, knowing that you would tell her." Kallias spoke. 

He was correct, even if they fought, Lilliana would tell Viviane about all of her plans and schemes. So Kallias's hunch was very good and that was great however, anxiety tore him up from inside because Eris knew her very well. There was something that Lilliana wasn't going to tell them, something that she would pull off at the end and cause them all to almost die in shock. He wanted to keep that from happening but he didn't even have any idea of what it could be. He just needed to keep his eyes open.

"Even though I truly believe that your scheme is risky and difficult, tell me what can I do to help you?" Kallias said.

"I just need to get in." She said.

"You? Isn't Eris going to go with you?" Viviane asked. 

"No he won't" Lilliana said. 

He knew that she would go alone but he wanted to still help her.

"That's not fair with you." Eris said, his voice harshly low. 

Lilliana seemed to be considering it, before she spoke.

"Fine, you can come with me till the border." She said.

The three looked skeptical.

"How will you get in?" 

Lilliana looked for something in her pocket before bringing out a sheet of paper, scribbled with ink and dropping it onto the table.

"This is a sheet full of information provided to me, courtesy of Cecile, and we will be using it to get in." She said and the name Cecile caused Eris to sputter as the poor boy almost fell to the ground.

"Cecile?" He asked. 

"Yes, that Cecile, now let me tell you what it says." She said, and cleared her throat.

"Beron has not taken the past few events that occurred here lightly, and he has been considering taking back Eris's title as the 'soon to be heir' and also stripping him of all titles and completely removing him from the family. In his place, Felix will be made the heir and will also be coronated in three days, which ultimately means that he will be high lord of the autumn court. Secondly, Zane will have his area of administration taken from him as he was caught as a supposed traitor, however due to lack of proper evidence, his punishment has been shortened. Sirius, who has had the least of participation has not been punished at all and neither has Yen. However Magnus Vanserra will be executed due to his treachery and this will take place after the coronation." Lilliana finished reading the letter out loud. Viviane and Kallias were quiet but Eris was very silent, he kept looking at the ground.

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