To let you know that what I feel is true And I'm only me when I'm with you

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"So the point was?"

"You to not die?"

"Since when did rogue high lords start caring?"

"It's not much of a problem to me, I just don't want to be accused of murdering you."

"You won't."

"As if." He muttered under his breath

"Just give me my wine and I'll go." She said

"You'll kill the child inside of you Lilliana." He said

She rose an eyebrow.

"How old is this....child?

"Your child." He corrected

"You've been carrying the scent for at least a week and a half."

"So two days after I arrived here?"


"Did the wine-

"I suppose the child is not dead, but there might be some defects in the child, chances are they'll be dead."

"Because of wine?"

"Faerie pregnancies are rather tough...Didn't your mother tell you or teach you?" He said awkwardly



"She just didn't bother."

He took into consideration and nodded.

Dream a little, Dream of meWhere stories live. Discover now