Chapter 6 - I'll be there.

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"Oh! Eh heh.....I didn't mean didn't.."

"Oh Norma just admit it!" Melvin cheered, making me more nervous than what I was. "You want to be friends and you know it!"

"Okay okay I do......but..."

"Your social status..." Melvin interrupted as he nodded. "Sorry. I forgot."

"Melvin, you're a good-"

Suddenly, the bell rung and students started trailing out of class. Sam and Audrey walked out laughing at what we did, when they seen me sitting next to Melvin. Their faces slowly drew into comfused expressions, but I wasn't moving because of how they felt. I looked up at them as they slowly walked and stood in front of me.

"You know Mrs. Hepburn called the both of your parents, right?" Audrey laughed.

"Yeah I figured." I scoffed as I shook my head. I looked over at Sam, and he was giving me a slight grim look.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you Norma?" Sam asked. I shot an irritated look at him, then paused for a while.

"Yeah I did. Why?" I scoffed.

"Why did you do that, Norma?" Audrey chuckled.

"Oh don't play stupid, Audrey. She did it to protect that nigger!" Sam shouted as he pointed at Melvin.

"Cut it out, Sam!" I shouted as I stood in his face. "Why are you bothering him when he's done nothing to you! He isn't doing anything to you at all!"

"You aren't supposed to be hanging out with him! White's belong with white's, blacks belong with blacks!" Sam shouted.

"What are you, my dad!?" I shouted back at him. "What I do is none of your damn buisness!"

"You're a KKK member, but you're hanging out with a black man. You're a disgrace." Sam said as he shook his head, and made his way towards the exit door. "Come on, Audrey. Let's get out of here."

I shook my head and ran my fingers through my curls as I looked down at Melvin. He was looking up at me in a "are you guys finished arguing" way, then he grabbed his backpack and placed it on his shoulders as he stood up.

"Well, that was heated." Melvin said as he shook his head.


"I'm gonna go home and uh.......take this heat from my mother." Melvin said in a low tone. "Did you wanna come? Or do you think that your dad is going to have a fit?"

"Let me call him from the school phone." I said as we both walked to the office.

Me and Melvin walked to the other side of school to call my mother. I was in the "white only" office, so Melvin was forced to wait outside until I got done calling my father. I walked into the office and spun the numbers around to call my father, preparing to hear him yell at the top of his lungs.

"Hello? Dad?" I said as I answered the phone.

"What did you do in school, today?" My father asked, getting right to the point.

"I was doing my science project, and the cola squirt all over the teacher." I lied.

"She told me that you were sticking up for that nigger!" My father said in a louder tone. "Norma Mortenson Baker if I find out that you're-"

"Dad, I wasn't sticking up for him geez!" I lied again. "It was an honest mistake! Mrs. Hepburn was just overreacting like she always does..."

"Whatever, Norma." My father snarled. "I'll see you when you get home."

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