Prove You Wrong

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Prove You Wrong

I sat in class, my mind always wandering from Shakespeare back to how Eli’s face had looked this morning as he’d told me his friend Carys wanted to see him after her attempt at taking her own life. He still blamed himself for that and they hadn’t spoken since, his guilt stopping him from continuing their friendship. I couldn’t help remembering the scared edge to his voice and the ready tears that waited in his eyes when he talked about her. I so desperately wanted to hold him close to me, to help him the way he helped me, but there was nothing I could do while I was stuck in school. Sinking further into my seat, I kept an eye on my English teacher, waiting for him to turn his back so I could pull my phone out and send a text to Eli.

How are you doing??

I sent and held my phone in my hand, waiting impatiently for it to buzz.

Not great. She’s gone now he said. I tried to imagine his face as he said that, but his text held almost no emotion. I needed to see that he was ok.

Come pick me up??

Now?? he replied.

Is that ok??

Of course. Your carriage is on its way madame ;) His text sounded like his usual self but I knew that inside he would be hurting.

I smiled excitedly despite the worry growing in my gut, already having been missing Eli as soon as I’d left his house this morning. Shifting my smile off my face, I tried my best to look innocent and sincere as I put my hand up.

“Sir, can I go to the office please? I… don’t feel very well.” I told him, wrapping my arms round my stomach and giving him a telling look.

“Oh, yes, ok. Are you alright?” he said, flushing red.

I nodded. “Just be thankful you’re not a woman, sir,” I said and gave him a weak smile, walking slowly and uncomfortably out of the classroom still clutching my stomach. As I closed the door behind me I caught a glimpse of my teacher’s flustered face and I smothered a giggle. That was too easy. I almost skipped down the stairs, though I was careful to try and make myself look ill whenever a member of staff passed me and no one gave me a second glance. I slipped out of the side door and sauntered out of the gates to see Eli waiting for me. I slid into the car without hesitation and immediately took his hand in mine, not saying anything.

“Hey,” he said, not meeting my gaze.

“You ok?” I asked gently. He nodded but I could see his jaw was tight and he still wouldn’t look at me. He drove off silently, driving one handed because although he didn’t say anything he still seemed to be gripping my hand for dear life. Normally I would’ve asked where we were going as we drove out of town without a word, but the atmosphere in the car told me to keep my mouth shut.

Eventually I recognised the route we were taking from a couple of weeks before – we were heading back to the cliff top. Without a word, Eli drove up the slightly familiar path, right to where he parked last time - the night we slept under the stars.


“Yeah?” his voice sounded ragged and it was only then, when he turned to face me that I realised he’d been crying. His eyes were guarded as he looked at me expectantly. The sight of his tearstained face made me change my mind and I changed the subject.

“You wanna go down to the beach?” I asked and he nodded eagerly, a small smile finding its way onto his face.

He took my hand and led me down a path to the sand dunes, stepping aside to let me go down first. At first I thought he was being a gentleman but then he pushed me from behind, making me slip on the sand that gave way under my feet as I moved. I yelped as I went down, skidding on my back until I reached the flat planes of the beach.

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