I Need You Now

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I Need You Now

I heard the soft buzzing of my phone in my back pocket and glanced at the screen: Eli. Smiling, I answered it, “Hey,” The smile slid off my face at the muffled sound of his voice – he was crying.

Gripping my phone more tightly, I sat down on the edge of my bed. “What’s wrong?” I tried to keep too much concern from showing in my voice but I couldn’t help it – his emotions affected me more than he knew.

“Ca-Carys,” he stuttered, a sob breaking through, stopping his speech.

“Is she alright?” I asked, remembering what he’d told me about Carys, the apparently cynical girl with the blue streaked hair; His best friend. Crap, I don’t like the sound of this.

“Hospital,” he choked out and dread coursed through me. “She overdosed. Paracetemol.”  I cursed under my breath and jumped down from my bed.

“Are you ok?” I knew it was a stupid question, but it was the only one I could get out.

“No,” something in my chest ached. “Can you come over?”

“Of course.” 

He gave me his address and I jumped up and shoved my toothbrush and makeup bag in my bag, and a change of clothes. I had a feeling that he would need me for more than a few hours.

Running downstairs, I realised that I no way of getting to him. A stream of profanities running from my mouth, I sprinted out the door and hammered on my neighbour’s front door. They had a nineteen year old son, and I knew he would help me.

As I’d hoped, it was him that answered the door, looking bemused and sleepy, with a cigarette dangling from his fingers. “Lou, I need your help.” Lou just looked at me through half closed eyes and nodded.

“What do you want?” despite his dishevelled appearance my neighbour had a look of kindness in his eyes.

“A lift?” I could hear the desperation in my tone, and so could he evidently as he grabbed his keys from the hook in the hall and led me towards his father’s silver Renault.

“Get in.” he was never one for politeness, and for once I was glad – I couldn’t afford manners right now. “Where to?” I directed him the entire way, and that was the only conversation, neither of us were in the mood for small talk.

As we pulled up outside Eli’s house, Lou turned to me, “Boyfriend?” the smirk playing on his mouth wasn’t one of malice, just friendly teasing. I shook my head;

“Just a friend. He needs me right now.” Lou nodded and I got out of the car, hurrying up the steps. Remembering something, I ran back down and tapped on the car window just as Lou was lighting up another cigarette. He wound it down; “Could you tell my mum where I am?” I asked and he nodded mutely. “Thank you.” I said and I meant it. Leaning in, I gave him a peck on the cheek, before taking off again, up the steps to Eli’s door.

He opened on the first knock, as if he had been waiting there. I immediately felt guilty for taking so long.

You came as soon as you could. I told myself and stepped towards him, wrapping my arms round his neck. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I couldn’t help but feel butterflies materialize in my stomach. Suddenly, I smelt the bitter scent of whiskey on his breath and leaned back.

“Oh El,” I noticed the tear stains on his cheeks and reached up to wipe away the tear streaming down his cheek. He closed his eyes and his hand came up to close over mine and pull me through the door and up the stairs to his room. He let go of me then and went over to the bottle that stood half empty on the floor next to his bed. I closed the door behind me and watched him take a swig; his faced screwed up at the taste, but he went to drink more. I slid over and knelt beside him where he was sat with his back against the wall.

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