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~With Lady Bish~

Her hand slammed down on the table, "What. The hell. Do you mean?"

Lord Tramy glanced at the lady and said evenly, "Mr. Rohan is no longer in his cell. The lock was broken. Someone rescued him."

Before she could think of the consequences, Lady Bish grabbed a shard of broken glass from the floor and flung it with decent accuracy at Lord Tramy. It missed his stupid head, but punctured his forearm. He yelled out in pain and tugged the glass out. Furiously, Lady Bish watched as his dark blood trickled slowly down his arm.

"It was Ava and her boyfriends," she said at last, enchanting a roll of gauze to go patch him up, "But they couldn't have gone far. C'mon, Tramy."

Even though she had just injured him, Lord Tramy still followed her obediently, though not without protest, "Hold on. You're- you're not going to hurt my daughter, are you? I won't let you."

Lady Bish rolled her eyes, her dramatic skirts gathered in her hands as she stomped down the palace stairs, "Tramy, my dear, I highly doubt that Ava thinks of you as her father. After all, you were hardly in her life. So why should you think of her as your daughter?"

"We both know she's my daughter, if not by heart than by blood." Lord Tramy argued, "Besides, Adela would want me to care for Ava."

Lady Bish giggled, "Oh yes, the pretty Adela. I have her file in my chambers. Ava looks like her a lot. Same hair, nose, lips, everything. But wouldn't you rather be loyal to me? I've given you employment, purpose, and I am going to give you your revenge."

"You just stabbed my arm with a piece of glass! Why the hell would I be loyal to you?"

"Oh, Lord Tramy," Lady Bish sighed, "I truly will miss that beautiful, powerful mind of yours."

Then she whirled around into his arms. From afar, it would look like they were lovingly embraced in each other's arms, their eyes locked and faces close. Only the two of them could see the blade in Lady Bish's hand, the blade that had suddenly found itself buried in Lord Tramy's stomach. He gazed up at her in shock, his bone-white hands clutching her arms in a death grip.

"You want to know who killed Adela?" Lady Bish smiled, watching Lord Tramy slump into her arms, his eyes still on her and blood bubbling from his mouth.

She bent down close to her ear and whispered, "I did. I gave the order that had your pretty lover killed."

Lord Tramy, the sorrowed old man, tried to croak something out, but the sound was muffled with blood. His eyes were filled not with anger or betrayal, but by a wide, vast chasm of grief.

Lady Bish dug the blade in even deeper, her hand against his stomach, "Say hello to Adela for me."

And then he slumped to the floor, spilling blood all over the weathered stone of the castle and staring glassily at nothing.

Tossing the blade aside, Lady Bish sauntered away from the dead body. Sooner or later, Lord Tramy's body would be found and she would be tried and found guilty for murder. Unless, of course, she solved the magic crisis on Daemos and won back King Bracken's favor, who would be recovering from his broken mental state now that Lord Tramy was dead.

"Ava," Lady Bish whispered, her cheeks spattered with tiny droplets of blood. She rubbed them into her cheeks, the dried blood now looking like drops of dirty rain.

"I'll see you soon."

~With Ava~

Rohan rode quietly behind Ava, the only sound coming from his direction being an occasional sniffle or snort of his horse. He had been like that since she had told him of Marcos' betrayal in his name. He profusely apologized, but still, Ava found it hard to look at him. Right there was the man who was indirectly responsible for the pain Marcos had caused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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