The Revenge Plan

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"Sooo... remind me again why we had to do your weird magic voodoo in a dark, creepy forest?" Ava asked, scampering closer to Rhys as a branch creaked against the wind.

"I can harness the moon's energy and allow myself to be a catalyst. The moon's energy will flow through me and I will be the direct carrier of your memories." Rhys explained, although Ava didn't understand anything he said.

"A cata-what now?" she asked.

"A catalyst." Rhys repeated, finally stopping and lifting his head, "The moon possesses many magical properties, and I will harness some of that magic to take you on an adventure through you and your parents' most prominent memories."

Ava held her hands up, "Okay, woah, rewind. We're gonna be going through my biological parents' memories? I thought we were only going through mine!"

"Do you remember anything from when you were just born?" Rhys countered.

"Oh. Yeah, okay, that makes sense, but just so you know, things are totally different in the movies." Ava said stubbornly.

"I'm sure they are." Rhys chuckled, extending both his hands out toward Ava, "This shouldn't be dangerous."

Ava took his hands, "It shouldn't be? Great..."

And before she could utter another word, a powerful bolt of lighting struck right in between their arms. Somehow, though, Ava only felt a slight shock.

Again, the lighting struck, and Ava could feel the hairs on her arms raising. But the lighting struck again before she could gather her wits, until it was hitting the ground so fast it was just a jagged white line splitting open the skies and ground.

And before Ava could think to save her or Rhys, the lighting coiled around her like ropes of light and suddenly she was gone, leaving only singed grass behind.

"Well," Rhys said faintly, "Let's hope this works."

~ ~ ~

Ava floated into consciousnesses slowly, her vision still swimming with blackness.

Groaning, she pushed herself up and saw that, just like when Melodie used her powers to transport the group to her dimension, the world was tinted. Except this time it wasn't blue, but a vivid red, like fresh blood filled Ava's eyes.

The sounds of a crying baby made her realize she was in some sort of nursery. Looking around, she spotted two people sitting in a corner, the woman slowly rocking a bundle in her arms and the man adoringly touching the bundle.

"Oh my gosh..." Ava said, knowing immediately who she was looking at.

Her parents. Lord Tramy, a dashing young man with brown hair and a mousy face, and... Adela, her mother. Ava could see why Lord Tramy had fallen head-over-heels for the human girl: she was beautiful. Long black hair flowed like a river down her back, and her skin was bronze and glowy. Her sharp cheekbones and wispy bangs managed to frame her wide blue eyes in a way that made her look dangerous, like a warrior goddess.

"My mother literally looks like an Amazon warrior." Ava said, studying her biological mom like her life depended on it.

As Lord Tramy's hand grazed Adela's shoulder, a loud crash was heard from the next room. Ava's parents cried out in shock as Kane guards flooded the room and seized Lord Tramy.

"My Lord, you are hearby sentenced to a lifetime of servitude toward the Crown for an illegal affair with the human Adela." The captain of the guards said, reading from a scroll, "And any offspring, children, family, and or blood relatives of Lord Tramy and Miss Adela will hereby be imprisoned and held hostage until Lord Tramy's loyalty to the Crown is unquestionable."

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