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~With Ava~
Everyone around their little table was quiet. Ava searched each face, trying to gauge their reactions, but they gave nothing away.
          "So... this is the part where you try to talk me out of this." Ava said awkwardly.
          "We would if we thought it would work," Asch muttered, and everyone else voiced their agreement, "but we also respect your decision. And to be honest... we kind of knew."
          "What? How?" Ava asked.
          "I told them about the look on your face when you saw Zex die, and, well, we all just knew that it wasn't like you to leave harm behind. You feel obligated to fix what is broken." Noi admitted.
His words had too many hidden meanings behind them for Ava to decipher, so instead she cleared her throat and said, "Thank you. Not just for letting me do this. But for saving me from the palace, and being my friends."
"I know, I know, we're kinda the best." Leif smirked.
"You are, however, aware of the risks of staying in this world?" Rhys interrupted, "You're the last human, so people will be after you. And this war has been going on for years- that means that if you really want to help end this war, you could be stuck here for decades. And what about your human life-"
"Zex said that Lady Bish has my father. We still don't know that he didn't mean my human ones. Everyone I care about is in Daemos." Ava points out, "And yes, I know the risk I'm taking. But you would all do the same thing, don't even try to deny it. If I die trying to stop a war, it will be a noble death."
Everyone looked at Ava in shock, before Pierce, always a general, said, "Alright then. We need a plan."

~With Lady Bish~
With great concentration, Lady Bish poured a single drop of liquified Flurouseco into the almost full vial.
          "What's that supposed to do?" A gruff voice cut through the heavy silence.
          Lady Bish jumped, almost spilling the entire jar of acidic flowers she was handling.
          "Do you mind? I could have just melted my hands, or worse, my face off!" Lady Bish glared at Lord Tramy.
          He huffed in frustration, "You said you would get my daughter back in a few days. It's been a few days and there's no sign of her!"
"Trust me. Wait two more days. I've cut a deal with someone quite close to Ava. Someone she met in blasted Mersedith." Lady Bish said.
"And when we do get Ava?"
Lady Bish furrowed her eyebrows, "Pardon?"
Lord Tramy's voice trembled, "You said you were going to experiment on her. How? Will it hurt?"
There was a beat of silence as Lady Bish thought over her answer.
"It will all be to further my scientific research. It will be for the greater good." Lady Bish said finally.
"That's not an answer." Lord Tramy said hesitantly.
Lady Bish slammed her hand down on the table, "Fine, you relentless piece of filth! You want an answer? Ava is half-human, half-Daemos. She is and will probably be the last of her kind. I would never waste that kind of breakthrough on an everyday life experiment! I have many theories about the extent of Ava's abilities. Theoretically, her human side should power her Daemos side, giving her an unlimited supply of magic. In return, her Daemos blood should keep her human side strong, strong enough to survive the constant depletion of energy her Daemos blood saps from her. You see what I'm saying?"
By now, Lord Tramy had gone pale, "You think that's how it works? Ava's different blood works in tandem like that? But Ava never showed any signs of having a Daemos ability."
"Yes, exactly." Lady Bish agreed, "Which is why I am making this elixir. I give it to people who want to speed up their abilities manifestation. This potion, however, has the petals of a Flurouseco flower in it. It's highly poisonous to Daemon, but it is incredibly healthy for humans. The flower bolsters Daemos power to incredible limits, but all the power was too much for most Daemon and they die."
"What if Ava's human side doesn't actually balance out the poison of Flurouseco?" Lord Tramy asked, "What if she just dies like all other Daemon?"
Lady Bish nodded in an almost manic way, "Yes, yes, that's possible. But science is all about theories and hypothesis and testing them, is it not? No matter the results, I will have gathered more data."
"What are you gonna do if it works? If it triggers Ava's dormant Daemos power?"
Lady Bish grinned giddily and turned back to her lab, "Then we will have the most powerful hybrid Daemos has ever seen."

So a bit of a shorter chapter, I'm sorry!! This was mainly a filler chapter to set the story up for the next chapter and I also just wanted to get something out there. I was traveling so I'm suuuper jet lagged. In the next chapter it's a review and also a catch-up chapter, so if anyone is confused it will hopefully clear things up. I think I'll try to regularly do these filler chapters just so that no one gets lost- and holy cow guys!!!!! More than 80 readers?! I remember when this story had 2 readers!!! Thank you so so much<3

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