Meet the Mom

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~With Ava~
"You're-? But- I didn't think- I didn't realize-!" Ava sputtered.
"That Asch had a mother? Everyone does. Babies all come from someone, you know." The woman- Queen Melodie- smirked.
"But- but- that means you're a queen." Ava said, her mind spinning, "Why in hell- heck- would you be in a prison?"
Queen Melodie's face flushed with anger, "That Camilla bitch drugged me and dragged me away to this cell in the dead of night decades ago. I still remember that night- I was sleeping with Raul in my arms and Asch was in his crib. I was ripped away from my babies and been assumed dead ever since."
          "Wouldn't your husband have sent out search parties? Scoured the earth- er, Daemos for you?"
          Queen Melodie snarled, "Camilla wasted no time bragging about how that stupid Lord Tramy wormed his way into my husband's thoughts, corrupted him and turned him into a monster. I've heard that Camilla paid all the telepaths to slowly but surely fracture my husband's sanity."
          By now, Ava was shuddering, remembering Lord Tramy weaseling his way into her brain as well, but before she could speak Queen Melodie gracefully walked(sashayed? Glided?) over to the smooth stone walls and gently touching one finger to the wall. A moment passed, long enough for Ava to begin to doubt, before a door suddenly materialized from the wall with a deep grating sound. Sunlight poured in through the open doorway and Ava hustled toward it, toward her promise of freedom. However, the second she stepped outside the doorway an arrow whizzed by her head.
          Queen Melodie muttered a colorful string on words not befitting of a queen, "Camilla set a trap outside the door. Of course she did, that evil demon slut."
          Nonchalantly plucking a squirrel up of the grass just beyond the doorway, Queen Melodie tossed the squirrel like a frisbee and a blurred arrow thumped into its side, the end still quivering.
          "Anything that passes over the doorway will get shot. But there has to be a way that Camilla gets in and out without being shot. That would've been too lucky for us." Queen Melodie mumbled, mostly to herself.
"Well, what about, like, a secret code? Or like, a word you say that deactivates the arrows." Ava suggested.
Queen Melodie sighed, "There are over a million words we could choose from, we'll never figure it out before she comes back with her guards."
Ava thought for a second before peeking up, "Wait! Lady Bish was telling me about how all Daemos have abilities, which I kiiiiinda already figured out because, heh, y'know, I was hanging out with  five Daemos for months-"
"I don't have a special ability." Queen Melodie interrupted, "I defend, I do not attack."
Ava shrugged, "Well, what's your ability? I'm sure we could find some use for it-"
"I defend." Melodie stated firmly, "And I'd say we have about ten minutes before Lady Bish comes to check on us- she never leaves me alone for long because she's an insecure fool."
"Right." Ava huffed, looking around the small, circular room, "Well, maybe you should try doing that witchy, magicky stuff to the wall again. Maybe there's something else along the wall."
Skeptically, Melodie ran the palm of her hand over every stone, every groove, every crack in the wall. Just as Ava was about to give up hope, the queen's hand ran over the third stone down in a shadowed corner and a wooden lever slowly rolled out from behind the stone.
Pulling the lever as hard as she could, Queen Melodie opened the door by splintering the lever with her queenly rage.
Ava and Queen Melodie hiked up their soiled togas and rushed out of the room, into their freedom.

~With the boys~
"Now then." Lady Bish smiled cruelly, "We all understand the situation a bit better now, don't we?"
          "What did you do to Ava?!" Leif snarled.
          Lady Bish shrugged delicately. Raul hesitated, not sure whether to side with his wife or brother.
          "Camilla... what did you do?" Raul tried touching Lady Bish but she recoiled in disgust.
          "Raul. Sweet, benign Raul. You do realize that our marriage was built on practicality?" Lady Bish glared down her nose at Raul, her heels making her considerably tall.
          Asch stepped out from the protection of his knights, "You hurt Princess Ava. Now you hurt my brother."
          The prince stepped toward an unflinching Lady Bish again, so now they were eye to eye. They could kiss each other, or kill each other. That's how close they were standing.
          "So now you have ten seconds to tell me where Princess Ava is before I rip your pretty little head off and burn it to ashes."
          Lady Bish bit her lip, looking Asch straight in the eyes, "Gosh you're hot. But unfortunately I've just been informed- mentally- that something urgent has come up, so I'll tell you what. Get out of my face and maybe I won't fry your brothers brain."
          Asch stepped back slowly, letting Lady Bish walk away, his fists clenched. An arm patted him on the shoulder.
          "You're looking for Ava?" Raul asked.
          "Yes! Yes, please, we need to find her!" Noi said.
          Raul nodded his head, "I found her outside the palace six suns ago. I'm sure Cami- er, Lady Bish found Ava wandering around and is using her as a hostage. What is Ava's ability? Could she use it to escape?"
          The knights exchanged looks.
          "She uh," Raul said awkwardly, "Umm, she can only um. Make things glow?-"
          "Yes." Pierce confirmed.
Raul rolled his eyes, "That's literally useless. But okay, I'll tail Lady Bish. Keep exploring the hallways, maybe you'll find her."
The six Daemos nodded, exchanged determined looks, and split up.
Asch and Noi went up a flight of stairs a few yards from their previous position. Leif and Pierce decided to go the opposite direction of Raul. Rhys chose to go with Raul, just to make the groups even.
"Asch, do you think Princess Ava is okay?" Noi asked nervously.
"I don't know. But we are going to find Princess Ava and return her to Earth. Then... then we will never bother her or her people again."

A/N so sorry for late update!!!! I was having major writers block but here it is!!!

SPOILER! Next chapter Ava will be rescued and have a reunion with the Daemos.

Thank you so so so much for reading💃

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