Ava and the Boys

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"A-ava?!" Rhys said, shocked that the princess had dropped in on them- literally.
"Rhys!!" Ava cried exuberantly,
scrambling to her feet.
She swayed a bit- she had taken quite the fall. All five boys lurched forward to help her but she held out a hand, using the other to rub her temple
"Wait. I'm supposed to be mad at you!!! And I am! What the hell is wrong with you guys? You tricked me into thinking you like and- and want to marry me, but you just wanted me to breed with other humans on Daemos. Well your wish was granted boys, I'm here on Daemos vulnerable and defenseless, so do whatever you want, I don't care."
Ava closed her eyes and held her breath, her cheeks red. She was mad, but she was also curious as to how the boys would respond to her outburst. They would probably yell. A lot. And they wou-
Laughing brought her out of her thoughts. Her eyes snapped open and she saw Asch laughing at her. One by one the other boys joined in. Ava's face flushed. What a bunch of di-
"Hey! I'm not messing around. It isn't funny!" The laughing stopped, "You hurt me. I trusted all of you. You guys were my first friends, the first people I willingly opened up to. You guys made me enjoy my life, not just endure it. But- but if I don't mean as much to you as you do to me, then fine. I don't care anyways!" Ava spun on her heel and stomped back inside- the boys worriedly glanced at each other before hurrying over and walking side by side with a fuming Ava.
          "Princess Ava, please!" Pierce pleaded.
          Ava spun back around to face the boys, and they all saw her clearly for the first time. She looked up to find them staring at her head. She self-consciously touched her horns, flushing bright red. Her pink eyes looked up to meet five pairs of blushing, awed boys.
          "Princess Ava...! You look- you look-" Noi stuttered.
          "Very beautiful!" Rhys exclaimed, pleased that his magic had held this whole time.
"Whatever." Ava turned back around and stomped off. Honestly. What was wrong with boys? They clearly saw she was upset and they just compliment her. She rolled her eyes, I'm not that shallow.
          "Princess Ava, it is imperative that we leave at once. You are in danger here." Rhys insisted.
          Ava grit her teeth and glared at the boys before nodding and saying, "Fine. Let me grab my regular clothes. I'll be out in a little bit."
          She stomped down the hall, disappearing from sight. Only when she had gone through numerous rooms and hallways did she realize she was lost.
Ava sat down on the floor and began to cry. How did her life come to this? A lost girl with horns in a magical, foreign place?

Short chapter!! I haven't updated in months and I'm so sorry I've just been really busy with school and sports and stuff😭😭

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