Ava is Frucked

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          Taking a deep breath and steeling herself, Ava gets up from her slumped form and begins walking, trying to find someone, anyone. The palace was a maze though, and Ava could despairingly see that she wouldn't find her way out before nightfall. She was trapped in a maze of excessively ornate hallways and golden statues.
          The worst part was how similar everything looked. One moment Ava would think that she had found the hallway connecting to Prince Raul's room, and the next she would notice that the golden statues had slightly different faces, or the tapestries weren't the same color. Groaning in frustration, Ava sat down on a nearby stone bench and put her head in her hands. She could hear servants shuffling past her, and could see their worn leather slippers, but none of them payed attention to the girl, the Daemos, swathed in purple having a mental breakdown.
Ava desperately missed her parents, her cat, even damn Lorelai. Tears were threatening to spill over, but Ava stopped them. She was an outsider in this world, but was that really so new to her? Even in her perfectly human world Ava was ostracized, forgotten, the weird girl who was always mad. Taking another deep breath, Ava clambered to her feet but hit her head on something hard and pointy.
"Ow!" Rubbing her head, Ava looked up and her jaw dropped. A beautiful woman was standing in front of her, staring down at Ava with disdain. She was beautiful- lush, silky blonde hair and pearly white horns. Perfect proportions and clear blue eyes. Even without the ridiculous amount of gold on the lady, Ava would've been able to sense the royalty of the lady standing before her.
"So, you're Ava, right?" The woman asked sweetly.
"Er, yes?" Ava stuttered, her face flushing red. Suddenly she was self-conscious about her unwashed armpits and greasy face.
"Lovely to finally meet you. My name is Lady Bish, Prince Raul's wife. Are you lost? Let me help you find your way back to your room. I know how confusing the palace can be, and us ladies need to help each other out where we can."
Still dumbfounded by the beauty in front of her, Ava nodded and let Lady Bish take her by the arm and lead her away.

~With the boys~
"Asch, don't you think Princess Ava should have been back by now?" Noi asked nervously.
Asch rolled his eyes, "She's probably lost. C'mon, let's go find her before she does something stupid."
Without thinking, the boys got into their usual military formation. Asch was in the lead, with Rhys and Pierce on either side of him and a step back, and Leif and Noi another step back. They were a sharp, pointed arrow searching for the one thing they all wanted: a princess in purple.

~With Ava~
"So, um, when I first saw you I thought you were like, really pretty and so I basically just agreed with whatever it was you said, but uh, this is the wrong way to my- er, Prince Raul's room." Although Ava was shorter then Lady Bish, she managed to keep up with the lady's long strides.
"Shut up already. I don't know how such a petite thing can talk for so long!" Lady Bish growled.
Ava scowled but kept walking, "So, if we aren't going Prince Raul's room, am I getting my own?"
Lady Bish twirled on Ava, her fists clenched, "SHUT UP. You think I can't smell the filthy humanity of you? Anyone can. And you know what else I smell? Crown Prince Asch. You know that he came here to the palace, begging his father to locate you. He cares for you, and that is leverage for anyone who has you. Love is dangerous for leaders, and Prince Asch has fallen to its trap."
Ava paled, "You're taking me prisoner. You're going to use me as blackmail."
Lady Bish smirked cruelly and grabbed Ava by her arm, dragging the struggling human along.
"It won't work! Asch doesn't care for me. He was using me." Ava protested, trying to rip her arm free from Lady Bish's grip, "He- he was just going to use me to breed more humans."
Although Ava didn't know if that was entirely true anymore. The boys did seem genuinely concerned for her in their short reunion.
Distracted with her thoughts, Ava didn't hear the scream of metal, only snapping from her thoughts when she was tossed against a hard, unforgiving floor. Looking up, Ava barely saw Lady Bish closing the prison door before her view to the outside hallway was obstructed by cold iron bars.
"Where am I?" Ava demanded to know.
Clicking her tongue, Lady Bish looked down her slim nose at Ava, "That is no way to talk to your superiors. But if you must know, you are in a dungeon I had secretly built. No one but me and a select few know of it's location."
"Please." Ava begged, her cheeks flushed red, her pride stinging, "I just want to go home."
Lady Bish looked Ava up and down, taking in Ava's garish purple toga and glittering jewels, "Goodbye, Ava."
"No!" Ava yelled, gripping the iron bars and trying to see farther into the prison hallway, watching Lady Bish's retreating figure. When it was clear Lady Bish was not coming back, Ava shook her head in disbelief, shaking, stumbling back. Just when she was about to have her freedom. Just when she was reunited with her friends. She had been on her way home. Now she had never been farther.

~With Raul~
Anxiously pacing down the hallway, Raul searched for Ava. He had questions. Where was she from? Had she fallen in war? Half the palace he had searched, and still no sign of Ava. She could have escaped, but that wouldn't be likely without outside help.
"Camilla!" Raul called, addressing his wife by her first name.
Lady Bish turned around, forcing a tight-lipped smile onto her face, "Yes, my love?"
"Have you seen a girl named Ava? She has purple horns and is wearing the toga I got you for your Birth Celebration."
Her eyes grew cold, "No, I've never seen this girl. I've only heard Asch mention her in the dining hall. Why? Is she here, in the palace?"
Raul narrowed his eyes at Lady Bish's twitching fingers. It was what she did whenever she was telling a big lie.
"So, you have no idea where Ava could be?"
Lady Bish scoffed, "Of course not, why would I?"
Without warning, Raul flew across the hallway and slammed his forearm into Lady Bish's neck, pinning and disarming her.
"Where is she? Where is Ava?" Raul hissed.
Despite her pain, Lady Bish smirks cruelly, "You'll never find her. Only I know of her location. If I die, she does too."
A loud gasp caused Raul to drop Lady Bish. They both turned around and saw five boys staring at Lady Bish in fury and horror.
"What... did you do... to Princess Ava?" Prince Asch of Kingdom Kane spat.

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