The Capitol

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Chapter 5 - The Capitol

Once it is finished we are all astonished by the number of kids going in. 37 kids in total and only 7 of those children come from district 7. It is the most number of kids for 100 years, where at the 50th hunger games twice the amount of kids got reaped, 48 in total. We all start dispersing to bed once the regular scheduled program's come back on. We all head to the bedrooms as Axel whispers goodnight to Amber and I. As soon as my head hits the pillow I am sound asleep. In my dream I am running from the beautiful Ryeton. He's chasing me through a maze with a sword in his hand and I find myself barefoot and in my night gown.

However fast I try and run he always seems to be right behind me. Suddenly he jumps on me and we tumble through the weeds. He is about to slash my throat when a strangled scream rushes to my lips. He starts to shake me and talks. But it seems to be a girlier voice then what I remember from the reapings. I open my eyes to see Amber shaking me and telling me to wake up. I lift my head and see the twins and our mentor in our room. My screaming must have woken everyone up.

Their all staring at me with worried faces and I feel a little embarrassed. I blushed as Ash asked me if I was okay. I tell him I'm fine and that it was just a bad nightmare and just leave it at that. I look at the clock in between Amber and my beds. 5.30am it says so I lie back in bed but sleep never comes. Sleep never comes for the rest of the night so I just lie in bed waiting for morning to come.

The sun rises at 7.30 and I get up and have a shower. I was feeling to sick last night to notice all the amazing things that Capitol showers have that the ones back home don't. There are buttons everywhere for stuff such as scented shampoos an conditioners, soaps, and it has a dial for what temperature you wan the shower. I take off my pj's and turn the dial to 27 degrees and press the Lily scented shampoo. I step into the shower just as a yellow bottle pops out if the wall. I pick it up and start shampooing my hair. I smell like Lilies once I step out of the shower seeing as I used the Lily conditioner and soap as well as the shampoo.

As I step out into my room in a towel and see that Amber is still asleep. I leave her alone as I get dressed. I have to wear something presentable today because after breakfast we arrive at the Capitol. I brush my hair as Amber wakes up. I let her have a shower and once she's done and dressed I ask her to plate my hair. She does as asked ad we walk out into the corridor. We walk to the dining cart and see that apart from our mentor we are the last ones to arrive.

We sit down as our mentor walks in wearing a casual green dress. When she sits down the avoxes do as they did last night and come in carrying plates of exquisite food. I grab some fruit and pancakes and start eating. Before I even finish we go into a dark tunnel and I realise we are here. I turn towards the window and see a rush if bright colours. When my eyes adjust I see that these are all the Capitol people seeing the tribute trains coming in.

I laugh as I see outrages outfits. One even had their legs surgically altered to look like a mermaid, tail and everything. The train comes to a stop and we are escorted by peace keepers underground were we will meet our stylists. My brothers, Amber and I are escorted to two rooms were the peace keepers say 'one for boys and one for girls'. Amber and I head for the room on the left. We walk through the door and find a sign and two chairs. The sign says 'PLEASE UNDRESS AND PUT GOWNS ON' and I see two blue hospital gowns underneath, one slightly smaller than the other. We undress not looking at each other and sit in the chairs once we have put the gowns on. We wait in the chairs for what seems like hours and finally our prep teams walk in.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THAT CHAIR,' a plump little red man yells at Amber 'your meant to be in that one' he points at my chair. 'Switch' he says and so we do. Next thing we know we are surrounded by our prep teams. Three for each person. I try to wonder how many that would be altogether, but I don't get to start the math because my prep team is already ordering me to stand up an turn around. I so as they say and sit back in my seat as they deliberate. The first one to talk is a woman that looks like a zebra but walks on two legs.

'Okay, what we're gonna do darlin is take you to beauty base zero because you need some serious work' she says. I'm about to slap her for being so rude but they start waxing and moisturising my skin. It kinda gets relaxing, apart from the waxing, so I close my eyes and start to daydream. Again I dream of the district 11 boy but this time instead of him chasing me he is holding my head in his lap. I seem to be lying on a picnic blanket in the clearing back home. I always went there to clear my head but today it just seemed romantic.

The grass was a bright green and soft underfoot, the trees rustle in the wind and there are butterflies that fly through the winds I giggle and then he starts rubbing my head really hard. I turn my head to tell him to stop it except it isn't his face its the zebra faced woman again. I put my head back down and look around me and I see that I'm in the prep room again. A woman with a big colourful afro is working on my toes and the big fat red man at my side working on my nails. The woman at my head is massaging my head in some sort of conditioner. Once they are down they leave without another word. Both me and Amber feel red and raw and we just sit there quietly.


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