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Hope you guys are enjoying my Fanfiction if anyone is reading it. Well here's the next part!


Chapter 3 - Goodbyes

Once we're inside we are escorted to large rooms that look almost brand new, probably to have enough room for all the siblings. Amber had walked in holding Axel's hand and telling him it's not his fault and trying to calm him down because he just broke down after saying all our names. 

After waiting for 10 minutes our family comes in. You can see Mazie has been crying from her tomato red face. We all kind of stand there for a couple of minutes in a big group hug because the sad thing is that only one of us can come back. Once we get over the tears Magnolia starts going over what to do and giving us ideas. Once she is done the peacekeepers come back and start making our family file out of the room.

Just before she walks out my mum whispers something in Amber's ear. I didn't hear but I will sure ask what it was on the train. After our family is gone our friends come in. Ava and Rowan come in last and just hugged me and cried. I tell them that it will be alright and I will try my hardest but I've seen how hard Amber can through an axe and Barker and Ash making their snares so I know I'm lying. And they know too.

After they've left it's just us five left in the room. Axel is blushing but sad at the same time because I think one of the girls that came in kissed him.We wait for another five minutes until another peacekeeper comes in and takes us to the train. Our district escort is there and follows us as we hop on the train. She points my family to two rooms and points the two sisters to the room across the hall. 'One for boys and one for girls' she tells my family. Amber and I walk into the room on the left and cannot hold our gasps as we see it. It has two double beds in the corner both with soft silk imported from district eight. On the other corner there is a buffet of sweets.  

Cakes, slices and so many more I have never even seen before. I've only seen these on victory tours and cannot stop myself before I tuck in. Amber is at my side within seconds filling her plates with all different types of cakes. 

I finally come to my senses when I start to feel sick. I go and have a shower and get into a change of clothes. Once I come out Amber runs into the bathroom and shuts the door. I can here her vomiting so I can guess she had a little bit more of the sweets when I went to have a shower. I open the beautifully carved drawers and choose a simple dress. We hardly ever wear dresses at home. Most likely because they always get dirty and ruined. I lay my reaping clothes on top of the chest of drawers and think of what type of tree the drawers are carved from.


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