The Announcement

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Hey guys this is my first ever fanfiction so please tell me what you think!!

Disclaimer - I don't own any of the hunger games trilogy and none of their characters that I use in this story

Anyway hope you enjoy!



It was only a couple of months ago that I waved away the victor train out of the district 7 station. 1 month till the next hunger games I am found sitting on a rock in the middle of the forest next to my house, thinking about the hunger games. I try to work out what the Capitol has in store for this years hunger games but they're always spontaneous. Seeing as this year is a tenth triad it will be even worse.

They're a glorified version of the games that happen every ten years. It used to be quarter quells that happened every 25 years but they changed it after the districts rebelled against the capitol again in the second rebellion. Last times tenth triad I was only four so all I can remember is the blood that spattered the cornucopia and ground around it. The sound of feathers rustling jolts me back to reality. I look up an see the black and white feathers of the mockingjay. I whistle a tune that my father taught me and the sound birds responded almost immediately.

I suddenly realise the time and start running through the forest, hearing the tune as i run through the leaves and branches. I get home in just in time for our annual viewing of the announcement. My family has assembled in the lounge room so i have to sit on the dusty hardwood floor and look up at our small rusty TV.

Just as I sit down the tv splutters to life as Sagabeth Snow's face fills the screen. We learnt in history that she was the only granddaughter of our previous president, coralanious. She makes a speech about the rebellions and the reasons for the games and specifies that this year will be a tenth triad.

She tells us about the first rebellion were district 13 was apparently 'obliterated' and then she continues to tell us about the second rebellion , which we usually call the 'Mockingjay rebellion', were a girl called Katniss seemed to have brought district 13 back from the dead to fight the capitol. But both of these rebellions were worthless because both times the capitol overtook the rebelling districts and bought order.

It seems worthless to rebel now because our numbers are dwindling with only 11 districts. Suddenly a boy with platinum blond hair and a matching suit walks onto the stage, carrying a box filled with cards, each labeled a number.  

President Snows hand reaches in and retrieves a small card with the number 150 on it.

She opens the envelope and starts to read, her booming voice even louder with the microphone. 'To show the districts that they have no control over their children's future,' she begins 'the eligible siblings of the reaped will also be tributes in the upcoming games'.  

I just stare at the screen for a moment untill the screen goes black and nobody says anything.

We just sit there in silence and I hear my little sister cry, because this is extremely bad for us. Our family is one of the biggest in district 7 so we have the most chance of getting reaped. I mean half of my brothers and sisters are either no longer eligible or are too young but that still leaves the twins, Barker and Ash, my 18 year old sister, Amber, my 12 year old brother, Axel and myself. 


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