The Train

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Chapter 4 - The Train

Amber comes back from her shower and gets changed. 'What did mum say when she whispered in your ear before she left?' I ask to break the silence. 'She said to whatever I do make sure one of you come home alive' she answers in a matter of factly voice and I leave it at that till our district escort comes and tells us dinner is ready. We meet Amanda and Penelope in the hallway. I can tell they must've tucked into their sweets too because Penelope is still looking a little pale but Amanda just has a straight face. 'Did you guys tuck into your sweets too?' Amber asks in the nicest voice. Penelope giggles and nods but Amanda keeps her straight face. We make our way to the dining room and find the boys, our mentors and the district escort Hera. I find a seat next Barker and Penelope.  

Next thing we know avox's fill the room carrying all types of different food. There is seafood stew, more cakes and sweets and ginormous steaks, and that's just to name a few. We all dig in, me grabbing a steak and some salad with prawns in it. It tastes magnificent. The saltyness of the prawns and the juiciness of the steak, I've never tasted anything like it before.  

No one talks, probably because we are all stuffing our faces but most likely because we are all afraid because only one of us will be making the trip back. Amber finally breaks the silence by asking our mentors a question 'so who will be mentoring who this year?'. Gertrude, the eldest who won her games 20 odd years ago, speaks up first. 'The Diffles will be with Eliza,' she says gesturing to the woman next to her who looks like she is in her twenties 'and the Fury's are with me'. I hear the twins sigh and I look at them. By the looks on their faces they wanted Eliza because of her beautifully straight blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. Gertrude, not that bad I think to my self. She has a beautiful face that seems really kind and caring. After a little more chatter we all are finished and are ready to watch the reruns of the reaping's.  

We make our way to the lounge area, and walk over to the TV and all sit around it in luscious soft couches and chairs that sparkle different colours. The TV comes on and the first thing you see is Ceasar. He explained that today was the reapings and tells us how fantastic a time of year it is. I think of my family back home, watching this. Mazie and Oak have probably all already gone to bed but the house must feel lonely without us there.  

First up we watch district 1's reaping. As usual they volunteer. A 18 year old boy volunteers for a thirteen year old boy and his twin sister follows him to the stage with a big smile stretched across both of their faces. Then a family of three girls follows after the youngest volunteers. The reapings follow after don't really catch my eyes. Crying children, families being torn apart, then I see district 7's reaping. Amanda's name being called out followed by Penelope's sobs in the background. And then Axel's name is called, and Amber, Barker, Ash and I follow him up on stage. You can see the whole crowds surprised but happy faces because we have more chances of winning than any other district. The rest of the districts follow and the only on that catches my eye is the one from 11.  

First an only child is called but when the boy is called a magnificent looking boy walks onto stage. His brown hair is short but not too short and is styled perfectly, his green eyes dazzle in the camera and his smile just makes me sigh. Then he calls his younger brother. 'Ryeton' he says and his younger brother walks up to stage. He looks even more handsome than his brother and is my age. 'Just call me Rye' he says into the microphone and I swear I the other girl tribute looks like she is about to faint. I snap out of my trance when Minerva sighs 'what I would wish to be escorting those district 1 tributes again'. I should probably feel offended but im still dazzled by the district 11 boys looks. I look around and it looks like both Amber and Amanda are tranced by the 18 year old. I suddenly realise that for me to come home that gorgeous boy has to die. Hopefully I'm not the one that has to do it. 


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