13- Preparation Time

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It's the day before the school festival and the whole class is together practicing the performance in the gym.

"We'll have to empty out the gym soon so it can be cleaned and set up before tomorrow" Kirishima says being the voice of reason.

"I think we have enough time for another run through" Jiro says as Bakugo passes Koko a drink of water as she rubs her throat.

"Everyone look alive" Mina says as she claps her hands, getting everyone's attention.

Bakugo helps Koko stand up as Koko stands behind the mic stand and she nearly falls asleep. They practice without music as the band sits there whilst the special effects team makes sure their timing is perfect. They finish up as everyone sits down again.

"I was kind of scared that we were going to look like amateurs but with Jiro's instruments, Mina's dance experience and Koko's vocals, it seems like it'll go off without a hitch" Sero says confidently.

"Now that we're doing this thing, we've got to do it to the best of our abilities" Kirishima says encouraging his classmates, "I think Bakugo got everyone fired up and not just the band members".

"I'm getting pretty nervous" Momo says as she puts her jumper on.

"Bakugo, don't improvise during the actual performance. Not everyone can keep up with you" Jiro says as the door to the gym slams open.

"It's nine in the evening. You should have cleared out of the gym by now" Hound Dog yells as he makes everyone jump.

"We should beat it" Kirishima says as everyone grabs everything and runs out of the gym.

"We should head back to the dorms to get a good night's rest" Koko says as Iida nods.

"Koko is right. Sleep is the most important" Iida says as he smiles.

In fact, no one can sleep from all of the excitement as they all sit down in the common room.

"There's no way I'm sleeping tonight" Denki says as he sits down next to Mineta.

"I'm way too excited" Mineta says as he looks at Mina's stomach which is revealed by her cropped t-shirt.

"Don't be so loud you two, some people are actually getting some rest upstairs" Mina says as she shushes the two of them.

"I hope the audience will be as enthusiastic as we are" Iida says as he smiles.

"It's probably better if we don't think about it too much" Jiro says as she looks at Koko who's sitting in the corner of the sofa, reading a book.

"We should all have some fun" Koko says as she looks up from her book.

"Says the girl who couldn't face us when she sang for us the first time" Kaminari says as Koko throws a fireball at him, making him duck, a hole forming in the wall behind him.

"Shut up. That was a completely different situation" Jiro says defending Koko.

It's the day of the festival and everyone is in the classroom. Koko stands in front of a mirror as she flattens down her costume. All of the special effects crew are wearing black t-shirts with dark blue jeans and black sneakers. All of the dancers are wearing a neon green top with back bottoms and black shoes. The boys wear a neon green t-shirt with some black jeans and the girls wear a neon green vest top and a black skirt. All of the band members are wearing black and neon green as well. The boys wear black suits with neon green ties and the girls wear black dresses with a neon green leather belt. And Koko wears a thick neon green mesh V-neck spaghetti strapped slit side bodysuit, some neon green white mesh knee sweatpants, and some black leather lace up ankle boots.

"Koko, you look amazing!" Ochako says as she fawns over Koko.

"You look stunning too, Ochako" Koko says with a smile.

"It's almost time everyone. I'm so nervous" Kaminari says as Koko walks over to him.

"Take a few deep breaths" Momo says as Kaminari does whilst Koko fixes his tie.

"Momo, are you sweating?" Tokoyami questions as he looks at her glistening skin.

"We went through the trouble of having these suits made so for the love of god Katsuki Bakugo, just wear them" Jiro says as Bakugo is slightly taken aback by Jiro's authority before he makes his way to the bathrooms to change.

"These dance outfits are so amazing. Thanks Koko for designing them and making them" Mina says as Koko smiles.

"Well Jiro made the song and I didn't want to have to use up all of Momo's strength so I got out my mother's old sewing machine" Koko says as she flattens down Kaminari's shirt.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Kirishima asks as he comes over.

"When I come across something, I'll let you know" Koko says with a wink.

"Koko, Midoriya isn't here" Shoto says as he walks over to her.

"Oh, I'll try and ring him" Koko says as Shoto nods.

Koko rings him but he doesn't answer.

Izuku, where are you?

I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment.

Are you fighting someone? Whose voices are those?

It doesn't matter.

Do you need backup?

I'll be fine, just focus on the performance.

Fine, but if you're not here in time, we'll do the performance without you.

I get it.

Koko rushes off to go visit the beauty pageant room. She's getting her dress fitted when she hears Monama.

"This time Class A isn't involved so it gives other people a chance" Monama says mischievously.

"I hate to break it to you Monama but someone in class A is taking part" Koko says as she comes from behind the little wall for getting dressed.

"It can't be you, what about Yaoyorozu? At least give it to someone with something to look at" Monama says as Koko tries to punch him but Tamaki holds her back, "either way, Kendo's gonna win and be on top".

"Wait a minute. It's not fair to say who will win this, it's still anyone's game. Plus, us girls are all friends anyways so there's no need for useless drama. This is gonna be so fun" Nejire exclaims.

"I'm looking forward to it" Kendo says with a smile.

"Bless your hearts" Nejire's rival says as she walks by the room, "it's so precious that you all think you stand a chance against me. Not when I'm graced with this much beauty".

"Bye guys, I'll see you later" Koko says as she waves to Nejire, Kendo and Tamaki, "make sure you come and watch our performance. Oh, you didn't forget the choreography right?".

"I didn't, don't worry" Nejire says with a smile.

"We won't let you down Koko" Kendo says with a wink.

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