Chapter 20

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He pressed himself onto me, straddling my hips and getting into position. I looked up and saw Bunny still staring at me. He was swaddled up in nightmare sand now too, they all were. His eyes were wide and fearful, warning me of what I already knew was going on behind my back.

I felt Pitch tug at my sweatpants, pulling them down just enough to grant him access. A pained whine escaped my lips as he started up a rhythm. My blood acted as a lubricant, this time around. The shredding pain from before was replaced by a sharp pressure.

I cried out as Pitch grabbed my hips, sinking himself deeper into me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I laid there helplessly and took it.

Fighting only made it worse. It only made him angry. But I couldn't stop the aching need for comfort. I just wanted someone to hold my hand, to tell me it would be alright. So, against my better judgement, I reached out to Bunny.

My thin arm slipped easily through the bars, and I reached a shaking hand out to him. If I could touch him, I could freeze the sand. Once it was frozen, it was fragile. Bunny could easily break out.

My arm jolted around unevenly, matching Pitch's pace. My fingers scraped a few times, and I thought I might never be able to grab on, or that he'd finish before I did. I could feel he was close.

My fingers brushed past once, twice, three times before Pitch laces his fingers with my outstretched hand, pulling my arm back towards me. I whimpered loudly, trying to fight against him, but I wasn't strong enough.

With a loud grunt, I felt Pitch shaking inside me. He finished quickly, sighing and arranging our clothing again. I could feel the blood and semen seeping through my sweatpants, making me shiver.

Pitch pulled me up and I cried out at the sudden movement. I rested on my knees, my legs too weak to stand. I stared at Bunny tiredly. He blinked several times, tears falling from his lashes. I was too tired to cry. I couldn't do it anymore. What was the point of crying if I'd never be able to escape him?

"You were wonderful, darling. I love you so much. Say you love me too." Pitch whispered, his breath tickling my ear.

All at once, a white hot emotion rushed through my veins. It raced down to the tips of my fingers, leaving a cold anger in it's wake. My heart contorted painfully and I felt like I could do anything. I had nothing to lose.

"I hate you." I mumbled, the words feeling sweet on my tongue.

Pitch gripped my hair tightly, pulling my head back. His hand shook with anger, the same anger that raced through me, "What did you say? You'll have to speak up, darling."

I looked up at him, and for once I didn't feel fear when his eyes connected with mine, "I fucking hate you, Pitch." I spat out venomously.

I saw as each and every word landed, Pitch's eyes widening. He shoved me forward. I barely had enough time to put my hands out and catch myself.

"Y-you don't mean that. You don't mean it." Pitch mumbled, pacing behind me.

I pushed myself back up to a seated position, looking at Pitch. What I had to say needed to be said to his face, "You don't get it, Pitch. I don't love you. I never loved you. You made me believe that what I felt for you was love, when it was actually hate the entire time. You're a monster."

Pitch shook his head, covering his ears and pacing some more. My head was ringing, anger streaming through my veins. I could barely think straight.

"Y'know you're nothing without me, right? I gave you everything you could've ever wanted. How are you going to get that without me huh?" Pitch said in low tone.

"I put up with your shit for so long, and this is how you repay me? Whining all day long. you're pathetic, Jack. No one will ever want you. No one will ever put up with you like I do."

My breathing sped up in an all too familiar way. I clutched my hands to my chest, the tightness winding it's way up into my throat.

"The only thing you're good for is sex, and you aren't even great at that. You take everything I give you for granted, Jack, and shove it right back in my face. Who's the real monster here, huh? Because it's certainly not me."

Pitch was screaming now and I didn't know how much more I could take. I clutched my head, rocking back and forth. The words all swirling together, blocking out all rational thoughts.

"You're worthless, Jack. You're weak. You think you deserve happiness, huh? You think you deserve more than what I give you? Tell me, Jack. Tell me, what have you done to deserve it?"

I couldn't breathe. His words were strangling me.

"I'm listening.."

I sobbed loudly, my fingers twisting into my hair painfully. I couldn't answer him. I couldn't do anything. A suffocating feeling was rising up in my throat.

"That's what I thought. You can't. Because deep down, Jack ... Deep down you know that you're just as dark as me."

The words shot through me, breaking the little control I had. I screamed, the anger coming from the very bottom of my soul. It tore through my throat, releasing everything I had bottled up for so long.

The feeling that had been squeezing at my heart released all at once, shooting through me. It was euphoric, like I was emptying a well of darkness that had been weighing on me for so long. The pure force of it knocked my head back.

Ice shot from my body in all directions, my pain guiding the frozen spikes. The screech of metal tearing apart and rubble falling drowned out my voice, stopping only when I'd run out of breath.

I collapsed, my shallow breaths echoing in the silence.

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