Chapter 10

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I landed a little haphazardly outside the entrance to the lair, my heart pounding. I had no idea how Pitch would react to me being back. He told me to leave. Surely he was ready to forgive me. We took some time apart, things should be okay now. I couldn't lose him. He was all I had.

I walked up to the entrance and walked inside the deeply shadowed cave. My footsteps tapped gently against the cold stone as I looked around for Pitch. Once I got to the main room, I called his name. Sneaking up on him wouldn't end well.

"Jack?" A small voice replied from somewhere in the lair.

Pitch came out of the shadows and practically ran towards me, wrapping me in a tight hug. His shoulder shook as his knees gave out and we sank to the floor. He was gasping for breath, sobbing out apologies as he pet my hair with shaky hands.

I held onto him tightly and whispered soft reassurances to him, trying to get him to calm down. I had never seen him like this before, it really threw me off.

He pulled back and cupped my face in his hands, his eyes red and puffy with tears, "I thought you were gone forever. I'm so sorry, Jack."

I brought him closer to me, resting our foreheads together, "You can't get rid of me that easily. We were made for each other, remember?"

Pitch musters a weak smile, playing with my hair. "I love you, darling. I love you too much to let those bastards take you away from me."

My heart feels at ease sitting with Pitch like this. This is how things are supposed to be between us. This is why I stay, because how could I leave? He loves me. He's the only one to have ever loved me, and the only one who will.

Pitch sniffles loudly, wiping his tears and rising to his feet, "Come, Jack. I think I've found a way to fix this thing that's come between us."

I nod, standing as well. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle, and I feel like whatever he has planned is not going to be good. I shove the fear down and follow him down the hall. If it'll help fix us, I'd do anything.


He lovingly clicked the lock together on the shackles around my wrists, placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

I'd been here before, though I didn't remember why. I sat in a chair, shackled to the arm rests. It was a strange setup.

I shivered as Pitch ran his fingers across the back of my neck. I swallowed nervously, not sure what was in store for me. Pitch would never hurt me intentionally. He wanted to help me, to help us ... And sometimes things got a little out of hand.

"You see, darling ... I think our biggest problem is that you're always running away." Pitch said, his hands traveling down my chest.

The words brought tears to my eyes almost immediately, "I ... I know. I'm sorry. I'll do better."

I was always putting myself before Pitch and that was unacceptable. He should always be my priority. Running away was selfish. Always.

Pitch nodded and walked away, coming back with a pair of scissors, "I know you are, darling, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's become a habit of yours."

He cut away the lower half of my sweatpants, leaving jagged edges that barely covered my knees, "I want to be happy for you, Jack, but you leaving me all the time is making it awfully hard. I don't want to be angry all the time. I don't want to have to punish you."

I stared at him with wide eyes. What was he going to do? "I'm sorry." I choked out.

Fear was clogging my throat. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched him leave again and return with a sledge hammer.

My body reacted before my mind did. I lurched away from him, my limbs straining against the shackles and my heart racing.

Pitch hoisted the hammer up in his hands, "If you stay still, I'll only have to do it once."

Pitch was only doing what was best for us, for the both of us. He didn't enjoy hurting me, he said so himself. If this would make us both happy again, it was a small price to pay. 

My body wasn't convinced, as my heartbeat continued to go crazy and tears poured down my face. Strained whimpers escaped my throat, "Please. I'll be good. Please don't."

Pitch grimaced, "Darling, trust me. This is for the best. Seeing you like this hurts me more than it hurts you." He sighed, "Now, bite down on this and get ready."

He stuffed something squishy in my mouth and sick smile twisted his lips upwards. He raised the sledge hammer and I clenched my eyes shut, my whole body tensing in preparation.

A violent impact rippled throughout my entire body, followed by the sickening chorus of bones shattering and flesh tearing. The pain didn't come until after I had registered the sound. It was unlike anything I'd felt before and my eyes shot open with a gut wrenching scream. It came in waves, pulsing with my heartbeat, and I cried out in agony. When was it going to end?

I saw Pitch stalking around my feet, tracing his fingers along my other ankle. He was smiling like a madman and a lightning bolt of terror shot through my heart. He looked like he was enjoying this.

"Oh, don't cry darling. This way, you'll never be able to leave me again. Then we can stay happy here forever."

He hoisted the hammer again and brought it down onto my other ankle. This time, the pain shot through my senses, sending me into the safety and solitude of the darkness.

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