Chapter 8

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Jack's POV

A warm feeling was the first thing I could feel. It was odd. I'd never felt this way before. I was so used to the frigid temperature and silk sheets of the lair. A fluffy blanket tickled my chin and a small smile pulled my lips upward.

A small giggle echoed through my brain and I knew it was the little girl. She was back. I tried to find her, to see her face again, but just hearing her voice was enough to put my mind at ease.

I gently opened my eyes and I was met with a wondrous room filled with dozens and dozens of different types of children's toys. The colors were bright and happy and only added to the warm feeling in my stomach.

A dull aching spread throughout my skull and I winced as I sat up. A neck brace was wound tightly around my neck and I tore it off as quickly as possible. I took a few breaths to calm down, my hands scrabbling at my neck. I knew there was nothing there, but I couldn't shake the feeling of Pitch's fingernails digging into my skin. 

The sudden realization of the odd room I was in struck me. I had no idea where I was, the decor didn't match the lair. Beyond that, my staff was absolutely nowhere in sight.

Tears rushed to my eyes, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no"

I rushed to the door, my heart in my throat. The doorknob was right there, but it felt like time was moving in slow motion. My fingers grasped onto the cold metal and turned. A jolt ran through my when the knob stopped short, banging on the lock.

At once, snow started to fall within the room and ice started to coat the walls. The toys were twisted and broken by the fear that struck through my heart. Tears fell freely down my face and I banged on the door helplessly.

"Please, please!" I shouted, practically collapsing to my knees.

It was happening again. I couldn't let it happen again. I barely survived the last time, I wouldn't make it through this.

"Please, let me out." The words came out in strangled sobs, mixing with the tears and saliva, making for a pathetic sound, "Please, I'm sorry. I'll do whatever you want .... Please."

My begging went on for another few moments before a wriggling in the door causing me to back away. A small flame of hope lit up in my chest. Maybe he would forgive me. Maybe I'd get off easy this time.

I knelt down in front of the door. I looked at the ground and put my wrists out. Pitch liked to be greeted in this position if I had done something wrong. He would shackle my wrists together and the punishment would ensue. This type of behavior was only when I'd really gotten on his nerves, but I'd been on his good side for a while now.

My whole body trembled as the door creaked open. Before he had a chance to start laying into me, I scrambled to say my apology.

"I'm so sorry, please ... Please don't hurt me. I'll do whatever you want ... I'll be good, please ... I'm sorry!"

I held my wrists out for him, my voice coming out between strangled sobs. I knew what was coming. My groveling wouldn't stop it.

He grabbed onto my wrists gently and I couldn't help the violent flinch that ran through me, "please," I whimpered.

Silence swallowed the room and the longer I waited, the more I realized that he wasn't shackling my wrists. Instead, he was gently rubbing my hands.

My hands were guided back into my lap, and placed lovingly. Then, the pair of hands grabbed onto my shoulders.

This was odd. Pitch was an unpredictable man, but he had never done this. I mustered enough courage to tilt my shaking head upwards.

I was met with a gentle face, covered in feathers and an expression of pity. Behind her was the rest of the group I had seen in the woods that day.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, springing away from them with a shout. What was going on? My head was spinning.

I stumbled to my feet, looking around desperately for a way to escape. Why was I here? Pitch would be so angry if he knew that I was here.

"Jack, take a breath. We're not going to hurt you." The fairy spoke gently.

All at once the events of yesterday came rushing back. I gently touched the bruise that was forming on my neck. He kicked me out. He didn't want me anymore.

I fell to my knees once again. I heard the little girl giggle and I looked up to see her face. We were surrounded by snow and she smiled at me lovingly. She gently put her hands on the sides of my face, and touched our foreheads together. A feeling of calmness washed over me and I pulled back to look at her again.

Her form faded, morphing into the fairy's face. I knew what it meant, but it couldn't be right. The little girl was telling me that she was safe. But if she was safe, than why did Pitch hate them so much?

Who am I supposed to trust? 

Thank you to everyone who is liking this story! And thanks to all those silent readers too. If anyone is enjoying this at all, I am happy.

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