Chapter 18

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I jerked my head upwards. I knew that voice. I knew that voice in the very depths of my soul. It was the lilting accent that had tortured me for centuries.

I stared at my frightened reflection in the refrigerator. My hands gripped the stone of the island, knuckles turning white. A pair of golden eyes emerged from the darkness, pressing me further into the island, trapping me.

"Although I did think you'd be able to wait until we got home."

My breath came out in panicked gasps as I watched his movements through our reflection. This wasn't happening. This was all in my head. He wasn't real.

The pressure of him entering me was enough to convince me. I couldn't tear my eyes from the reflection, his face contorted in pleasure and mine in pain.

He groaned quietly, "Oh, I've missed you, Jack."

He breath brushed against my ear, sending a flurry of tears racing down my cheeks. Each thrust sent a wave of pain through my body. My hips pressed painfully against the marble island, and the tearing sensation that came from him going in dry.

I was now completely bent over the counter, Pitch's hands kneading into my back as his grunts got faster. I couldn't move my legs. I couldn't get him off of me. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't find my voice. I couldn't scream. I was completely helpless.

His thrusts became more intense, sending me knocking against the stone roughly and shoving him deeper than I'd ever wanted him to go. With every thrust, I cried out softly. My pain-filled grunts seemed to be swallowed up, never to escape the room.

I just wanted someone to hear. I needed someone to save me. I couldn't do it by myself. My hands scrabbled around on the island, trying to grab anything. Pitch's movements made me uncoordinated, and it sent everything crashing to the ground. My water glass shattered loudly on the floor.

Pitch growled lowly, grabbing my wrists and holding them down behind my back. He started to thrust more quickly, each movement felt like I was being torn in half. He had never been this rough before. I didn't know how much more I could take.

He was practically slamming himself into me now, and I had screwed my eyes shut long ago. I couldn't bear to watch. I sobbed uncontrollably. Nothing else existed except me and Pitch. I couldn't even hear my own cries anymore. Everything fell away except for the throbbing, thrusting pain.

All of a sudden, Pitch pulled away. He practically ripped out of me, faster than he'd entered. An agonized scream tore through me and the momentum from Pitch sent me crashing to the ground.

I curled up, rocking back and forth, trying to ease the pain. It still felt like he was inside me, pushing and pulling. I was in so much pain.

"Bloody hell, couldn't you have waited 2 minutes? We were in the middle of something."

I opened my eyes at the strange wording, coming face to face with Bunny's furry nose. I nearly screamed at the surprise of it, turning my eyes to Pitch.

He was squaring off with Tooth, North and Sandy. The darkness of the room didn't bode well for them. Bunny grabbed me gently, dragging me out of the way. I cried out several times, the movement jostling me. A trail of blood  streaked across the tile of the floor behind me.

"You were fucking raping him, you monster!" Tooth shouted, "Does it look like he was enjoying it?"

Pitch chuckled, smirking over at me, "Oh, Jack likes it rough, trust me. He's just a tease, making me work for it."

Bunny stood up, "Fucking bleeding seems like a pretty clear red flag, if you ask me. You're just a manipulative, self-centered motherfucker who can't get his shit together without making someone else feel like shit."

The words boomed out of him and I flinched violently. It was too much. All of it was too much. I covered my ears with my hands, trying desperately to drown out the sound. If I couldn't see it and I couldn't hear it, then it wasn't real, right? 

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