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a/n: I'm honestly stalling at this point I'm scared of my own ideas...

y/n gripped the shotgun as Nancy sawed the barrel off.

"This feels extremely illegal," Max said from her side.

"Well, that's because, technically, it's a felony," Y/n explained. "But so is killing people so I really don't think vecnar cares that much."

As the barrel fell to the ground with a light thunk, y/n looked up at the rest of the group. Her heart aching at the strange atmosphere around them as they prepared spears and Molotov cocktails to kill Vecnar.

It was an odd feeling that settled over her. She felt oddly content as she watched Eddie and Dustin rough house a few feet away from her. She felt slightly guilty at the warm feeling that rose in her chest at the sight of her two favourite people.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nancy asked, sitting down in the long grass beside her.

She looked up from the small pile of grass she had been picking at. Nancy's eyes were soft as she looked at her friend.

Her and Nancy's friendship had been almost inevitable, after Dustin and Mike became friends in their fourth year, they spent most of their time at one another's house. As much as the two girls loved their younger brothers, the two together could be completely insufferable. So sleepovers were a common occurrence between the girls.

Y/n was the only person who understood her anger about Barb's death cover up. She had been there for Nancy after her and Steve broke up, she had been there when Jonathan had moved to Lenora. In the past year the two girls had grown apart, Nancy focusing on her collage applications and school news paper.

"I don't know." y/n admitted, it was always easy talking to Nancy.

There was a beat of silence between the two.

"We're going to kill him, I'll make sure of that." Nancy spoke up.

Y/n tore her eyes away from Lucas and Erica to look at Nancy.

"I hope so," She replied. "I jus-" She let out a sight.

There was just something weighing in her chest, a voice in the back of her head that was telling her that this wasn't going to be okay. Vecnar was nothing like anything they had faced before, and they didn't have El here to help them. They were just a group of traumatised kids fighting something bigger than them.

"I feel like things aren't going to be okay this time. I have this feeling in my chest that it's not going to work out, even when i was like a thousand feet underground with Russians threatening to pull my teeth out, i still felt like we were going to be okay. But not now, not this time." She stated, continuing her grass picking.

"Do you remember when all of this began?" Nancy said, her head tilting to the side slightly. "And we promised each other that no matter what, we would protect each other?" Nancy asked, presenting her with her scarred hand.

She remembers the night like it was yesterday. The way Nancy, Jonathan and herself had prepared the elaborate trap in the old Byers house, the way her and Nancy had sliced their palms open. Especially the way that Steve had shown up and almost spoiled their plans, and when Nancy had threated to shoot him if he didn't leave.

Y/n presented Nancy her hand with an almost identical scar.

"I promise that we are going to be okay." Nancy said.

Y/n nodded her head. She was pulled away from the conversation at the sound of her brother calling her name. She sent one last small smile to Nancy, before standing up and making her way to the two.

"Okay," Dustin said, grinning widely. "So, first of all we made you this." he said, handing her the trash can lid with nails hammered through it.

"If only I had stolen Steve's nail bat, then I would be completely unstoppable." she joked.

"Second off, Me an Eddie-"

"Eddie and I." She corrected. Dustin sent his sister an annoyed glare at her correction.

"Eddie and I, have decided on how we are going to distract the demobats." he announced excitedly.

Y/n listened as her brother and Eddie relayed their plan to her. She listened and put in her own ideas and helped them refine the logistics of it all.

By the time Steve was calling them to the RV, Eddie, Y/n and Dustin had a solid plan of action.

Y/n's leg was practically vibrating as she sat beside Eddie. He placed a hand on her knee in an attempt to calm her.

"I'm sorry," She said, looking up from his had to his face.

"Don't be sorry," He replied, leaning forward to embrace the girl.

"I'm just so scared," She confessed.

Eddie cupped the girls face in his hands, something he seemed to be doing a lot lately but neither of the two were complaining. She leaned into the boys touch.

"I know. But I promise I'll protect you, I won't run away this time."

Her eyes looked up to meet his soft brown eyes.

"No Eddie," She said softly. "Don't be a hero. I wise man once told me that there was no shame in running."

Eddie smiled lightly at the recall of his comment during their DnD session. He pulled her face closer to his, catching their lips together in a soft kiss.

When he pulled away he detached his hands from her face and pulled the lone ring off his right hand, placing it on her finger.

"What's this for?" she asked, admiring it.

Eddie brought her hand up to kiss her knuckles.

"A promise," He stated. At the confused look on her face he elaborated. "It's a promise to protect you. I promise that nothing is going to happen to you or Dustin. This is my favourite ring, so if anything happens to me-"

"Nothing is going to happen to you." She cut him off.

"No," He agreed. "But hypothetically, if something did happen. At least you'll have this."

She nodded, simply looking down at the ring that now adorned her finger.

The RV stopped at the front of the Creel house. She watched as Max, Lucas and Erica jumped out. She felt another pang of anxiety as Steve began driving back towards Eddie's trailer. 

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