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(There are not really any spoilers in this chapter but the next ones will have heavy spoilers so be warned (also please be cautious if you haven't seen the new season for potential spoilers in the comments and if you do want to discuss spoilers in the comments please say something before because having the show spoiled would really suck))

Her legs were tired and her lungs were burning as they pulled into the trailer park.

Dustin was yelling instructions to them as they all ran around Eddie's trailer grabbing everything they needed.

"Y/n help me with the mattress," Dustin instructed, she nodded and followed him into Eddie's room, throwing the various blankets and pillows off and picking the heavy mattress off, ignoring the suspicious stains on it.

The siblings pushed it down the halls and flopped it down on the ground in their living room. Y/n craned her neck to see Eddie, Robin, Steve and Nancy above them. At the sight of her, Eddie grinned and waved to her.

"Not quite sure how these physics work," Dustin said, walking into the room with the makeshift rope of tied together blankets. "But, uh here goes nothing."

They all watched as he threw the rope up into the ceiling.

"There we go, And if my theory is correct," he moved forward and tugged the rope, when it didn't fall. "Abracadabra."

They all watched on as Robin began to climb up the rope and fall from the ceiling. As she lay on her back she grinned.

Eddie was next, gripping the rope and making his way through the portal. He couldn't help but be a little excited to get back to normal Hawkins, he wanted nothing more than to hug y/n.

He thought he understood why she was so stressed about things like this happening, he thought he understood why she was so terrified of 'the upside-down' and the 'Demogorgons'. But he didn't, at least no when she had first explained it all to him, back in that god forsaken shed.

But he had been caught in the upside-down, and now he understood, and he wanted nothing more than to hide her away from the world.

He jumped up almost as soon as his back made contact with the mattress and pulled the girl in tight for a hug. She had wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight in return.

But then her hands dropped to her side. He moved back in concern, hands on her shoulders.

The others had begun to gather around the two at this point. Eddie felt his heat jump into his throat as the sight of the girl before him. Her eyes were clouded over and her face was completely blank.

"Y/n?" He questioned, adrenaline spiking as he was immediately transported back to that fateful night. "Hey, hey. No don't do this to me sweet heart. Come on!" He was shaking her shoulders violently at this point, her head jerking back and forth.

"Stop shaking her, you're going to hurt her!" Dustin yelled, pushing the older man to the side to stand in front of his sister. He inspected her face, evidently just as distraught as Eddie. "He's got her!" He said, turning to the rest of the group.

"How does he have her already?" Robin questioned, eyes growing wide.

"She's been cursed for five days." Lucas spoke up.

"What? Why didn't she say anything?" Steve asked.

"She didn't realise until like five hours ago." Dustin shouted, the group falling into complete mayhem as y/n stood there blankly.

"How did she not know she was cursed?" Nancy asked.

"Okay, we can talk about the why's later, we need to help my sister before she dies!" Dustin shouted to the group.

They paused for a second before scrambling around the place in search for music.

"WHAT ARE WE EVEN LOOKING FOR?" Erica yelled as she dumped out Eddie's collection of cassette tapes.

"Dustin what's her favourite song?" Steve asked.

Dustin paused for a second. His thoughts running a thousand miles a second as he combed through all the times he knocked on her door to get her to turn down her music, or all the times he complained about the mixtape she chose for the drive to school.

"Uh, Uh, I don't know, something by Toto or Billy Joel," He said, voice wavering as he looked back at his sister.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Max shot "She's your sister."

"No stop, her favourite song is by this band, she showed it to me when we were hiding," Eddie called, wracking his brain trying to remember the name of the band. "Something about boats? And wood?" he remembered.

"Boats and wood?" Robin questioned.

"Yeah, something wood something," He recalled, the name of the band just on the tip of his tongue. "Uh, uh, navy wood? No, squadron wood? Shit what was it?"

"What was the name of the song?" Nancy asked.

"FLEET WOOD MAC!" Eddie shouted, "Fleet wood mac and it was a song about not breaking a chain or something?"

"Did it go something like: And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again." Dustin recited quickly.

"Yes, yes that's it!" he said, suddenly remembering the fact that y/n's mixtape was in her Walkman that was more than likely sitting in her bag.

He stood up, making his way over to the girl and opening the bag that hung at her side, his hands dug around in it for a second before pulling out her Walkman. Somehow, by some grace of God, it was still in tact.

He put the headphones on haphazardly and began skipping through the different songs until the familiar sounds of an acoustic guitar filled his ears.

"I've got it, I've got it!" He shouted, pulling the headphones off himself and going to place it on the girl.

Before he was able to actually get them on her, she was gasping deeply and crumpling to the ground. Her eyes no longer clouded over.

"y/n," Came the voices of several of her friends.

She was breathing heavily as her eyes flitted around the room, Eddie dropped to his knees and grabbed the girls face in his hands in an attempt to calm her down and ground her.

"Y/n, Y/n. hey, it's me, It's Eddie. You're okay, you're safe we're all here," He said.

Y/n's eyes stopped flitting around the place and finally landed on Eddie, her shallow breathing began to become deeper and she felt her heart start to beat slower.

"Eddie?" Her voice was so small and shaky, her lip quivered as her own hands reached up to cup his face. "Is this real, are you real?"

"Yes, yes I'm real, we're all real," He said.

y/n let out a sob at his words.

"I thought i was going to die," She confessed, sobs wracking through her body as Eddie pulled her close to him.

"No, no. none of us were going to let you die okay."

After a few moments, Eddie helped the girl to her feet. Almost as soon as she was standing again Dustin rushed forward and embraced her tightly, his own cheeks stained with tears.

"Oh my god y/n, i thought you were going to die." he cried into her shoulder.

"Don't worry Dusty, you can't get rid of me that easily." she chuckled.

"Wait, how were you able to escape without the music?" Max questioned.

Y/n took a deep breath.

"I have a lot to tell you guys."

Eddie Watch// Eddie Munson x Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now