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Things still hadn't fully sunk in.

Y/n simply went through the motions. By now the sun had set and Dustin was still running around like a mad man.

It was only when they had popped out of the tree line did they stop, y/n almost barrelling right into Robin.

They were standing right on the edge of the lake.

"Oh, man. You gotta be shitting me." Eddie huffed, staring out onto the glistening lake "I thought these woods were familiar." he added.

Y/n felt like she was walking on a cloud. It was like someone had shifted the focus of the world and she was experiencing everything outside of her own body.

Was this a side effect of being cursed?

Was this what it felt like facing her own mortality?

No, she'd done that before. Three times actually.

She had to tell them.

Keeping them in the dark just felt wrong, like she was just killing herself faster.

She remembered what Eddie had told her only a few hours ago. About putting y/n first from now on.

She realised that vaguely that Nancy, Steve Eddie and Robin were already half way out onto the water and Dustin was pulling her away from the edge of the shore.

She felt like screaming.

She was trapped in her own head. It was like she was drowning, it was like reality itself was slipping away from her. Everyone's voices were muffled and there was a slight blur over everything.

She could feel her body moving but she couldn't see anything around her.

It was like she woke up again.

This time in the back of a police vehicle.

"What the fuck?" She questioned, frantically looking around.

Max sat up front, her head phones on and a sour look on her face.

She was squished between Dustin and Lucas. At her words, Dustin grabbed his sisters shoulder and made her look at him.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" He questioned, his eyes were frantic as she tried to catch her own breath. "You haven't said a word to us since skull rock."

"Dustin holy shit," She all but sobbed out. It was like everything was crashing down on her all at once. "Dustin, oh my god."

"Y/n calm down."

She was trying to tell him, she really was, but it was like there was something physically holding her back from saying the words.

"Dustin I'm cursed."

She blurted it out.

The entire atmosphere shifted, she could feel the tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"WHAT?" Lucas exclaimed, turning his head quickly to look at the girl.

Dustin shushed him quickly.

"Are you serious?" He asked, his big blue eyes turning to her in concern. "You're joking right."

She could feel herself choking up at the concern she's created for the children.

Why can't she just catch a break?

"I'm not joking." She let out weakly.

"How long have you known?" Lucas asked.

"Like three hours or so. I didn't realise what was happening, I thought the hallucinations were nightmares, and like I didn't think anything of it because I have nightmares all the time and the headache. Like I haven't slept a full night of sleep since 83 and I'm extremely prone to headaches and migraines. And I'm so sorry I didn't say anything before beca-"

Eddie Watch// Eddie Munson x Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now