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a/n: are you kidding me? Two in one day? Unheard of? I wonder what is going to happen that possessed me to write a chapter like this? Cannon? Cannon divergent? Eddie? Y/n? Dustin even? Oh god...

y/n rested her head on Eddie's shoulder as Steve drove them to the war zone. Steve and Nancy sat up front, Max and Lucas sat at a table by the widow and Dustin sat with Robin and Erica, eyeing both her and Eddie suspiciously.

Y/n fiddled with the rings that adorned Eddie's fingers.

"You have a really nice hand,." she said, turning his hand over and linking their fingers together.

"Yeah?" He questioned, smiling at the girl beside him "Well you have a nice face."

Y/n rolled her eyes, looking away in an attempt to stop the heat that was rising in her cheeks from his compliment.

"Flattery gets you everywhere Munson," she teased.

His grin grew wide as he moved his face closer to her to whisper in her ear.

"Oh yeah?" His breath tickled the side of her face as a shiver ran down her spine "Even to your room?"

She was quick to push the boys face away from her. She was sure her cheeks were exceptionally red, she didn't know if she wanted to slap or kiss the shit eating grin off his face.

Well two can play at that game.

Her hands came up to cradle the back of his neck, she pulled him closer to her to whisper in his ear just as he had moments ago.

"Especially my room." she said.

"Okay that's enough," Dustin called from his seat, eyes narrowed at the two. "Eddie stop trying to like, i don't know, eat my sister."

"Ew, you couldn't have used any other figure of speech." Robin complained.

"Yeah man," Eddie said, slipping his hands down to y/n's waist. "Besides if anyone is eating anyone, your sister is-"

There was an uproar from the group so as to drown out the end of Eddie's sentence.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Steve called from the front. "No one is eating anyone and if you all don't pipe down right now I'm turning this car around and we are going straight back home!"


"Eddie started it!" Y/n complained.

"I don't care, I'll drop you off on the side of the highway of you don't shut up."

"Sorry mom!" Y/n huffed.

The rest of the drive was quiet, y/n's head falling back onto Eddie's shoulder and her fingers going back to fiddle with his rings.

When they pulled up, the parking lot was full of angry hicks and Eddies shrunk below the window.

"Okay, Robin, Erica, Nancy, Max and I will go in," Steve said. "Henderson's and Sinclair, you guys stay here and watch Eddie."

As soon as the five were out of the RV Dustin turned to Eddie and kicked him out of his seat.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Y/n asked, looking down at her brother.

"You know," he said shrugging. "Terrified, but cautiously optimistic. What about you?"

She sucked in a deep breathe.

"Terrified, exhausted, on the brink of a breakdown, but cautiously optimistic."

The two shared an almost identical grin.

"Hey y/n?" Dustin prodded.


"You're a really awesome big sister," he said.


"Yeah, I know you're stressed and I know you worry about me. About us all the time, and i know that sometimes you don't worry about yourself as much as you should." He stated.

"What are you trying to say?" y/n asked.

"Okay, right," He said, shaking his head slightly. "Basically what I'm saying is, I know it's hard for you to open up to people, and as much as I say I don't like you and Eddie doing whatever you guys are doing, I'm glad you chose him."

Y/n smiled at him.

"Is this giving me your blessing to date your friend?" She asked.

"Yes," He stated bluntly. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go give the brother talk to my friend." he stood up from the seat and made the two steps to where Eddie was sitting.

"You know those speeches are usually for older brothers right?" she asked, but he simply ignored her.

"Munson." He said in the sternest voice he could muster.

"Henderson two." He said.

"I love you like a brother you know,"

Eddie nodded his head, eyes never leaving the younger boys face.

"And I want you to know that no matter what, Y/n is my number one. If you do anything to hurt her I will find you and I will kill you. That's a promise too, I know where you live and I know where Reefer Rick lives, you can't hide from me."

Eddie just nodded his head.

"With that being said, if you guys get married you have to take her last name so we can be brothers for real."

"Henderson three." Eddie said simply.

"For now you can be 'honorary Henderson'"

Dustin leaned forward to embrace the older man. When they let go, Eddie went back to occupy his seat from before.

"Hi," He said.

"Hey," She replied, a smirk gracing her lips "So, you're gonna take my last name when we get married?" She asked.

"When?" Eddie prodded, his heart swelling at the insinuation.

"Well you're trapped forever now, even if we hypothetically broke up you're still stuck with Dustin." She teased.

"Eddie Henderson," he said, testing out the name. He leaned forward to kiss the girl. "I could definitely get down with that." He said, leaning back in for a kiss. This one deeper than the last, one of his hands on her waist and the other on the side of her face. Y/n's hand found their way to the back of his neck.

They were broken apart by the sound of the door being thrown open.

"What happened?" Lucas questioned at the sight of his friends, they looked terrified and frantic. Their supplies being haphazardly thrown into the RV as Steve jumped into the drivers seat.

"Gotta go," Steve said, starting the engine again.

"Your old friends are here," Erica said, turning to Lucas as she took her seat.

y/n felt her heart leap into her chest as she remembered her last interaction with Lucas's "old friends"

"Let's go! Let's go!" Dustin was all but screaming to Steve.

"I'm going! I'm going! Sit down!" Steve replied booking it out of the carpark.

Eddie, Lucas, Dustin and Y/n all laying below all the widows not wanting to take any chances of Jason or the angry hicks to see them.

Eddie reached over, lacing his and y/n's hands together.

Eddie Watch// Eddie Munson x Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now