Part 11: The last party 🃏

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Gareth: so you will come?

Me: yea, I mean, why not?

Gareth: Because I just told you that Jessica Kormel will come too.

Me: And?

Gareth: No, It's just weird, you hate her

Me: I decide not to give her my attention again.

Gareth: oh, okay. Be ready by 9 o'clock. Bye.

I hang up the phone and I choose the outfit. Gareth pick me up and we get to the party. The past 8 months were peacefully, no fights - just a few. Sometimes Gareth can't control his anger issues and he got into a few fights. Not with me though :) -, Gareth and I are in our best, we love each other. He really cares about me and he is really nice to me.

Everything was fine till this party. We enter together, but because I hate parties I excused myself outside waiting for Gareth to join me. Which he didn't, weird thing for him because he always does. I got inside, but no sign of Gareth. So, I decide to look in the other room. I had lost all of my hopes to find him, but there was one last door. I opened it and I found Gareth. Not alone. With Jessica. They were making out. WITH JESSICA. I close the door and I could feel Gareth run up to me, I wasn't in a mood to run, but I wasn't in a mood to talk to him. So I flip him off and said to him to not try to explain himself nor run after me. I also broke up with him. I felt like I wanted to cry, but everyone could see me. So I got home and started to cry.

And like that, we end up here. Me writing in a stupid diary that we shared. I read all his notes and I wonder why? Why he did it? This person wasn't my Gareth. He must be a variant of him. But from who I try to hide? Maybe myself. This guy tonight was Gareth and he kissed my biggest enemy. I mean, she is beautiful and popular and smart. But I am way better - I hope -. 

363 words

Last part tomorrow🙃

We don't belong to the same world 🦋 Gareth Emerson X Reader Where stories live. Discover now