Stray Kids as your brothers - Reactions, OT8

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Bang Chan
- The super supportive older brother
- You definitely tell him everything - I mean, he would have to be your best friend
- You would rarely get into fights with him, but if you did it would be over something stupid and you would get over it within the day
- Your parents feared you and your brothers relationship incase you had to fight against them 😅
- But he's very helpful and caring towards you
- "Let me help you with your homework Y/N. What don't you understand?"

Lee Know
- He's the type of older brother to make fun of you, like, all the time
- Definitely tries to get you in trouble, blaming you for his parties and the things he does
- But at the end of the day when he settles it with you and you guys have fun together, you have so much fun and it's amazing
- But then he'll be back to his annoying self
- "Y/N threw the party not me! I was studying? :)"

- Your work out aholic brother
- I mean he would ALWAYS be at the gym, so you had to start going too so you could hang out with him
- You couldn't really say the gym was extraordinarily fun, but having him there made it amazing, as you two were like two peas in a pod despite your hate for the gym and his love for it
- You did occasionally spend time where you wanted, and you would drag him to amusement parks and watch your big tough brother scream his head off on the rides
- "Yeah I'm buff but roller coasters are terrifying Y/N!"

- Sassy. That's honestly all I could say
- He would be very heavy on the "I'm prettier than you" motto, and when he wasn't out the house he was doing his make up
- Although you knew what he was doing in there: painting
- Sometimes when you heard him upset, you would slip into his room and comfort him, because older siblings need comfort too
- Then the two of you would paint, or he would give you a makeover and paint you for the sake of it
- "Think of it as a thank you- actually nah, just be grateful hm Y/N?"

Han Jisung
- chaotic older brother
- You and him would always be scheming something, or he would be scheming something against you
- Pranks were a normal thing in that household, and if your parents scolded you you would both take the blame, and then do it again.
- You also helped him get through some of the worst parts of life like he did you, as you helped him with his anxiety and school problems
- "Thank you so much Y/N. Now, how about putting glue inside the milk carton in place of milk?"

- iPad kid level gamer brother
- Always gaming, and when you did play with him he would just thrash you because you would be confused on how to play
- When you do manage to beat him he would get so grumpy, even though it was for such a dumb reason
- He would then cook, and you would help him, and honestly he enjoyed spending time with you because he knew he had to leave to college soon
- "You grab the flour. We need to make more memories before I leave yeah? And I also need to beat you in every MarioKart game we play because you suck."

- Calm musical older brother
- You would always have to deal with him playing music and singing at the top of his lungs, but you didn't mind, because you got a free concert out of it
- You kept pestering him to audition but he shook you away, and you figured why: he was insecure
- So you made sure you spent every waking moment letting him know how amazing he was, because that's how he made you feel
- He would help you learn the guitar and would try teach you to sing, but gave up on that one
- "Okay so place your index finger there- Mhm and strum with the others! Good job Y/N!"

- Too-cool-to-talk-to-you-in-public older brother
- But at home he'll happily tell you all about the kids in his class and how his friend slipped over a banana in class
- He'd try and keep you away from said friends, because he viewed you as innocent and as his younger sibling he wanted you to stay that way
- If you needed help in public though, he would step in instantly and protect you, because he loved you
- "Leave Y/N alone, or I will punch you. No I'm not kidding. Or I'll get Changbin Hyung, yeah? That's what I thought."

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