Royal Bloodsucker • Felix (vampire au)

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Felix x Fem!Reader

"Felix, you know you're going to have to find yourself a princess one day." His mother said, looking at her son across the table.
"I know, Mother, but I have to make sure they are the one, so I can mark them. If I choose the wrong person, we'll have a rogue on our hands." Felix sighed.
"So that's why we decided to host you a ball, son. All the fairest maidens will be coming to our castle. A once in a few hundred years experience." His father smiled.
"Are you inviting villagers as well? Rich people are all the same. They irritate me." Felix frowned.
"We can, arrange that." His mother smiled.
"I'll go get my suit fitted, then." With a grin he stood up and walked off, his grin fading as he turned away.
Oh how he hates these parties.
His parents kept throwing them for him, centuries after centuries.
Being a vampire meant he had to choose the right partner, after all.

He had only one opportunity every year to turn them. Well, turn them in a way they would be like him. Civilised, and able to think for themselves.
Vampires turned on any day other than a blood moon were feral.
A blood moon happened around twice a year, but still, he didn't want to mess up.
Vampires that aren't working with his kingdom are a threat.
They are also very difficult to get rid of.
It didn't take long for them to fit the crimson suit to his body, as he practically reused the one from the last ball.
He hadn't changed much in the last few years, anyway.
That was the beauty of it all.
"The ball will be tomorrow. Felix, please try this time." His mother pleaded.
Felix forced on a smile. "I'll try."
He watched as the sun set, heading out through his window, the hood over his head.
The downside of it all, well. He needed blood.
He ran through the forest, stopping as he caught the sweet scent of copper, pulling him from his reverie.
Someone was hurt out here.
He walked slowly through the forest, seeing a girl against a tree stump, who had curled herself into a ball.

Felix held his breath, as he walked up to her.
He could hear the thumping of her heart, as he held back his temptation to drink every last drop of her.
He was hungry, and she smelled so goddamn good.
"Hey, wake up." He said, kneeling down.
She blinked groggily. "Are you an Angel?" She asked.
Felix chuckled. "Quite the opposite, my dear. What happened?"
"I was attacked.. by a bear I think." She whispered, looking down at the cut down her side. "Actually I think a poacher almost killed me."
"Did you catch a face?"
She shook her head. "No, I didn't."
Felix just hummed in response, standing up. "Let me take you to get help." He offered.
She just nodded slightly in response, placing her head against the tree.
"Okay sir.. you're very kind." She whispered, as he pulled her into his arms.
"I wouldn't say that." He said, clenching his teeth.
She passed out shortly after, allowing Felix to run faster through the forest, to get to his castle quicker.
"Get a nurse. I found her in the woods." He said, as one of the butlers rushed off.

He took her into the infirmary, placing her down.
His eyes looked to her lips, and the slight creases around her eyes.
He didn't understand what went through him. Usually when he found a person in the forest, he would just get rid of them.
But something about her drew him to her.
Like he was enchanted.
He left as the nurse came in, finding his parents.
"Mother, Father." He addressed. "What is it like when you find the one?"
When the morning rolled around, I awoke with a start.
I was laying in a bed, my side no longer stinging how it did.
I sat up, looking at the disorientating light around me.
I remembered slightly, as a man had taken me here, his blonde hair falling into his face, covering his eyes.
My eyes caught his in the doorframe, as my heart pounded in my chest.
It was the prince.
"Your highness." I started, stammering over my words.

He chuckled. "Just call me Felix. So you're from this kingdom, then?"
I nodded. "Yeah- I'm Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. You know, I'm holding a ball tonight. I'd love for you to come as my guest of honour." He smiled, his teeth a dazzling white.
I had heard the rumours about this kingdom, and had came here a few years ago to look into it.
You would see the royal family once in a few years, and they never aged.
The kingdom still went strong, however, despite that.
"Happily, your majesty." I said, as I couldn't stop my eyes from looking him up and down.
He was wearing dark purple dress pants, wearing a simple white dress shirt.
He looked like he was halfway through getting changed.
I looked around, reaching for the glass of water on the side table.
As I grabbed it, I dropped it, cursing to myself as it hit the floor.
I went to clean it up, but in an instant, Felix's hand grabbed mine.
"I'll clean it up. I'll get the maids to get you another." He said, his grip loosening as he flipped my hand in his.

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