Blood Sacrifice (Hyunjin x Reader)

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A/N I wrote this on Halloween so.. Happy Halloween!

Twenty two victims. That's how many there was. Within the span of two months, twenty two girls bodies had been found in a back alley, dismantled, torn.
All were students. All went to my school.
The police didn't even have a suspect.
People were worried. I was worried.
Really, at any moment, you could be killed.
It was a scary thought, and it terrified me to my core.
"Y/N!! Guess what- Hyunjin asked me out today!! He's so pretty- I'm the luckiest girl ever!" Jihyo yelled, as she came rushing over.
"Oh damn. He's one of the popular kids- when's the date?" I asked.
"Tonight! He's taking me out for dinner! He said he's liked me for ages! He was just too nervous to ask." Jihyo beamed.
"Aww that's cute! Well- goodluck!" I said, smiling.
That's when the siren went.
"Oh god I'm going to be late! See you tomorrow!" She said, waving me away, rushing off.
I headed to class, too.
Hyunjin and his friends were in my class.
All eight of them.
They were all quite noisy, and all quite smart.
"Y/N~" Hyunjin said, waving to me.
Right. They were obnoxious.

I waved slightly, sitting down.
He came and sat next to me.
Of course, we were partners.
I hate science for that reason.
It's not that there's anything wrong with him, he's just, noisy.
Not very good when you're trying to focus.
"So, are you free tomorrow evening by any chance? I need a study buddy." He frowned.
"No, I'm busy. I've got a hangout with my friend Jihyo planned." I said.
"Aww, okay.. the next day then!" He smiled.
"No, I'm busy then too." I said, waving him to be quiet as the teacher came in.
He fell quiet, and we turned to watch the teacher.
Class was over in an instant, really.
Then I was home, watching the news.
No new victims yet.
I wonder how Jihyo is going?
I send her a few messages, before falling asleep on the couch.
I woke up, dim flickers of sunlight filtering through the pale yellow curtains.
I checked the news, my eyes widening.
"Twenty Third victim of school girl massacre, Park Ji-Hyo found dead."
I swallowed down the lump in my throat.
The last person she was with was Hyunjin.
Which meant.. no, it couldn't be.

There would be only way to find out, which would mean risking my life.
But what do I have left to lose. My best friend was gone.
So when I got to school this morning, I stood alone.
It was strange, really.
But it would make sense.
Hyunjin was the schools most popular guy, the playboy.
Any girl fell head over heels for him.
Luring someone away wouldn't be too hard.
That's when I felt hands cover my eyes.
"Guess who..?" A voice whispered, their raspy voice sending shivers down my spine, as their warm breath tickled my neck.
"Hyunjin.." I mumbled, half-biting my tongue.
"Correct! You're too good at this, Y/N! How about we hang out tonight? Your schedule should be free now, right?" He asked, a wide smile covering his face.
"Sure.. where and when.." I muttered, not really looking at him.
I wondered, if he was the killer, did his friends know?
"The cafe near Central Park! Five o'clock!" He said with a grin.
"Alright! See you then..?" I said, before turning, and wandering off to class.

He grabbed my wrist.
"I really do hope you show up!"
"Of course I will."
With that I left him, the hours counting down.
3 o'clock. School was over.
4 o'clock. I was getting ready.
5 o'clock. At that point I was at the cafe, waiting.
It began to rain, icy-cold water trickling down, hitting me like icicles.
Then I was shielded from the rain, as a large black cloud covered me.
No, not a cloud. An umbrella.
"You should've waited inside! You're all wet!" Hyunjin frowned.
"No, it's better out here anyway. You wouldn't of been able to see me inside otherwise." I explained.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
"Not really." I shrugged.
"Let's go for a walk then, yeah?"
So he held the umbrella over me, his other arm wrapped around my shoulder.
Every time I pushed him off, he draped his arm back over.
So I gave up pushing him off.
Within time, we had somehow circled into a back alley.

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