When you're sick - OT8 Reactions

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Bang Chan

- As soon as you had called him, he would be there, with all the things he needed: soup, hot water bottle, you name it
- would book the whole week off of work to watch and take care of you, because he loved you
- He would try so hard to keep his distance, but he needed your touch
- The two of you ended up sick together, however, so what turned into him looking after you turned into you both looking after each other 😭
- A week full of movie marathons and hugs, that's for sure.

Lee Know

- he would just work from home, and when he wasn't with you, he would make sure the cats were looking after you
- whenever he could though, he would sit on the edge of your bed, chatting with you and asking you what you needed
- anything you needed, consider it done - whether it be food or asking for Minho to sing in different pitches for you
- Just having his company made you feel better

Seo Changbin

- he would notice you hadn't been messaging him as much, so he would leave early to go and check on you
- when he found you resting, he immediately thought nothing of it, but as he heard you cough and felt the heat radiating from his forehead, he realised something was wrong
- he found you a cold towel, and brought you medicine and soup
- when you woke up, he was smothering you (nicely) with all the things he thought you needed and things you did need (he was trying..)
- he looked after you every minute of every day until you were better

Hwang Hyunjin

- honestly considered quarantining you because he didn't want your diseases 💀
- but after he heard your shallow breaths he decided against ignoring you, and went inside and lay next to you... as far as possible away
- he let you keep Kkami in your room during the week, as he kept up with his chores and work, whilst occasionally checking on you, replacing cold towels and filling up your drink
- every time you coughed though he backed away in the disgust (fair enough so however)
- he ends up getting sick after you, so the roles reverse almost instantly 😭
- blames you as a joke, but is really just enjoying having you look after him for once

Han Jisung

- he would've just been sleeping in, when he awoke to harsh coughs
- stayed with you during your whole recovery time- watching shows and movies with him
- the best sick buddy ever- he would play music and sing for you to help you go to sleep, as well as muck about to make you laugh when you felt down about being stuck in bed
- he brought your pets to you, and anything else you couldn't get from an arm length away
- he was also really gentle with you, but he still made his normal small comments about you
- despite you being sick, you both enjoyed each other's company greatly.

Lee Felix

- he would say 'stuff the virus' and literally just get in bed with you, and cuddle you to keep you warm
- he would also always bake for you, making the best food, whether it be a few cakes, brownies, or a full course meal
- he'd also send and show you all the coolest tiktoks, as his primary aim was to make you laugh
- and he did... I mean if someone randomly started dancing the renegade in front of you, I think you'd burst out laughing too
- fun aside, whenever you needed rest he would watch over you, before leaving to do chores and get things ready for you when you wake up
- husband material that one

Kim Seungmin

- he would have to finish things up at work first, but afterwards he would instantly come to you
- towels, medicine, gatorade(?), anything he could give you to make you feel better
- honestly his presence just made you feel better, knowing someone was there trying to look after you
- he would sing for you also, along side his horrible cooking - well, that's why he ordered you take out
- he made it up to you through cuddles and light pecks
- he still miraculously never got sick though, throughout the whole week he spent with you
- but he never left your side, and that was the main thing.

Yang Jeongin

- he probably would've gotten sick first 💀
- so you both slowly looked after each other, after he relentlessly kept trying to call Bang Chan or another one of his hyungs to help him, you finally had to suck it up and help him
- he got better way before you did, and it took a few hours before he finally started to help you
- he didn't hate it as much as he let on- he honestly enjoyed watching you roll over and grumble in annoyance
- he only enjoyed it because it meant he had the upper hand, and he could do as he wanted
- that included cook for once... never again
- but it was great- spending time together cooped up in your bedroom for a week, with just him and him alone.

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