Three Words (Seungmin x Reader)

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"I hate you!"
You always regretted those words. Well, maybe not straight away. But as the realisation kicked in of how hurtful, how disgusting those words are, you felt guilt.

Three words, and everything is ruined.
He had simply responded with wide eyes, the tears from the argument before streaming like waterfalls.

He had straightened his posture, and walked away.
Leaving me alone in regret, and in agony.
I wanted to make it up to him. To my ex, Kim Seungmin, because I had hurt him.
Even though I didn't mean to, I did.
He didn't deserve it.

So, I drive to his apartment, as I neared, flashbacks of the arguments popping in my head like fireworks, blasts of noise and colour.

"I saw you with that bitch! You're cheating! Why, Seungmin!" I yelled, feeling warm streams run down my face.

"Y/N, I was set up. You have to believe me! Cmon.." Seungmin pleaded, looking at me with desperate eyes.

"How can I believe you when there's a whole fucking sex tape, that was mailed to this goddam house!" I hissed.

"Why the hell would it be mailed here if it wasn't a set up! Think Y/N, for once in your goddam life can you trust me!" Seungmin yelled back.
I grabbed at the vase beside me.

"I saw you fuck her. Why in the world would I trust you! I don't believe I word coming out of your disgusting mouth!" I growled.

"You know what, I'm sick of this. We have been dating for months, and you barely have any trust in me. This is going to stop, or I'm leaving." Seungmin said, crossing his arms.

The smug look on his face made me do it. I threw the vase at him, him only narrowly dodging as it hit him in the shoulder.
I felt myself wince as he flinched.
"Y/N, please just-"

"Just shut up!! I hate you!" I yelled, tears welling in my eyes.

He went silent. I looked at his face.
The expression he held shattered my heart into a thousand pieces.

He looked betrayed, hurt, and overall upset.
"You don't really mean that.." he whispered.
"I do." I hissed.

He stood up straight, hiding his feelings asides from the tears streaming down.
"Then I'll leave.. and I won't come back. I'm sorry."
That was the last time I saw him.
As I stepped up to his apartment door, I knocked carefully, only for Bang Chan to open it.
"Oh.. Y/N.. I'm sorry, Seungmins not here." He said.
"Then where is he? I really need to talk to him." I asked.

"I think he went out for some fresh air. Don't know where. He's been feeling quite ill. That's why me and the others are here." He said, as I peered behind him, seeing the rest of the boys crouched around the coffee table.

"You should probably go." He added.
"He probably doesn't want to see me anyway.. tell him I stopped by." I said, waving goodbye, as I walked towards the elevator.

I decided to go up.
The roof was always peaceful. It was my favourite place when I lived here with Seungmin.

Now it held desolate memories, pained and broken ones.

The sunset left an orange glow over the horizon, highlighting the boy at the edge of the roof in a golden glow.

Then I realised how close this boy was to the edge.
"Hello..?" I asked carefully.

The boy turned, and I felt my throat tighten.
"What do you want, Y/N." Seungmin said. His face was sunken, and he looked tired. Exhausted.

Like he'd been crying.

"Get away from the edge." I said, taking a step closer.

"Can you please go away.." He whispered, looking away from me.

"Get away from the edge first and go back to Bang Chan." I said.

"I don't want to." He said.
He then stood up, looking to me. "This building is about 25 meters tall. That's eight stories." He said, looking down at the pavement below.

"That's why you need to get away from the edge.. Seungmin, I wanted to tell you I was sorry.. for hurting you. I never hated you. I was just angry. Please, I'm so so sorry." I said.

"If you had told me sooner, then maybe we could of been happy."

Then he slipped from the roof, his eyes widening in fear.

I ran forward, gripping his hand as he slipped down the edge of the building.

I was now lying flat, my grip slipping.

"Y/N. Just let go. Or you'll slip with me." Seungmin said, his eyes widening with stress as the seconds went on.

"Seungmin, I love you. A fall from this height will kill you." I said.

Then I realised, that either of us would fall. Someone would die.
That wouldn't be him.
I felt myself topple over the edge with him.

I wrapped myself behind him, into my arms, as my back fell towards the floor.

"Always remember I love you, okay? I never hated you, and I never will."

Then it was black, and a bleeding body cushioned another, semi-conscious one.
One of them would never wake up, whilst the other one ached. They had heard the three words they wanted to hear. Those three words changed everything.

But they would never hear them again from the person they wanted to hear them from.

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