The Bite

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Dustin and Erica were sat on top of a cleaning motor vehicle te Russians had, with the three older teens in the cage below it

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Dustin and Erica were sat on top of a cleaning motor vehicle te Russians had, with the three older teens in the cage below it.

Robin and Steve were laughing about something random together. Something about the Indy 500 or Indy Million. Athelia wasnt really paying attention, she was off in her own world, thinking about her recent actions and decisions.

"Dustin, watch out!" Erica shouted, looking at the pile of stacked boxes in front of them.

"Shit!" Dustin cursed as the vehicle hit the boxes, causing a small crash.

"You guys all right back there?" Dustin asked, to be met with groans, "They're fine." He concluded.

Erica opened the door to let them out, Athelia practically jumping out, and speeding towards the elevator they came down in.

"Here goes nothin'." Dustin sighed  pressing the key card to the scanner, watching proudly as the doors opened.

They all piled in, pressing the up button rapidly, wanting to leave the base as soon as possible. Once again, Steve and Robin were being stupid balancing themselves on a cart and laughing at one another.

Athelia sat in a corner of the elevator, hugging her knees and trying not to cry. Erica noticed the girl, and went to sit by her.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked.

Athelia flinched slightly, before her face softened, "Yeah. This day has just been hectic."

"That's not it." Erica shook her head, not buying it. "Its Steve, isnt it?"

She followed Athelia's eyeline to see her focused on her boyfriend and coworker, who seemed t be enjoying themselves as much as they could. Steve looked a lot happier there, without Athelia.

It made her question his feelings towards her. What if they were only good friends after all? What if their relationship was a mistake, and Steve didn't even truly feel that way to begin with? She had been made a fool out of.

"Steve, are you drugged?" Dustin asked Steve, who was now on the floor.

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana."

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