Chapter 33 - Heart of the Matter: Part 1

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3rd Person POV

= Central City, 2049 =

"Infinite velocity will soon be mine!" Godspeed yells, running through the city. "And once my ascension is complete, all will bow before the might of Godspeed!"

"Oh, god, can somebody shut him up?" A young female voice says through the comms as Nora and Bart race down the streets after Godspeed. In the cortex of STAR Labs, Caity Raymond (Mack Raymond's youngest daughter) is sitting at the computer, watching the satellites of the city and manning the comms

"Caity, if you're not gonna be helpful, move away from the comms." Henry Raymond (Mack Raymond's middle son) says, walking into the cortex with a comm in his ear and a tablet in his hands

"I can be helpful." Caity protests. "Technically, I should be out in the field with Nora and Bart right now."

"No, you definitely shouldn't." Ronnie Raymond (Mack Raymond's oldest son) says, walking in with a slice of pizza. "You've had your powers for, like, 5 minutes. You need to take it slow and do training."

"Um, my powers revealed themselves over a month ago." Caity tells him

"And mom took a long time to train her own powers." Ronnie reminds her. "Take it slow."

"Ronnie, let CCPD know I've got Heart!" Nora's voice says over the comms. "I'm bringing him in now."

"Copy that." Ronnie says, putting his food down and gently pushing his sister's wheely chair to the side so that she was slid out of the way and he could get to the computer

...out on the street....

"Guess you couldn't run away forever, Heart." Nora tells him

Godspeed throws Nora back. "Never anger a god, little one!" He yells and tries to fight Nora but Bart whooshes in and stops him

Bart laugh excitedly. "Yo, that was so crash!" He exclaims

"What the hell was that?" Nora asks, standing. "You just phased through a speedster."

"Who didn't see me coming." Bart tells her

"Your molecules could have conjoined on a quantum level." Nora tells him. "Do you not know what that means?"

"No, no, I don't." Bart says. "I don't, because I'm a freshman in college, and I don't learn quantum physics till my junior year. You remember that, right, sis?"

"If I remember correctly, I took that class as a freshman." Ronnie says over the comms

"Yeah well, not everyone can be in the same accelerated program as you, smartass." Bart quips over the comms

"Bart, you have to stop pulling these crazy stunts." Nora tells him. "You're still learning how to control your meta-abilities."

"My meta-abilities just saved the day." Bart tells her. "You saw that. Also, I am expanding my boundaries, right? Like, who knows what else you could do if you actually pushed yourself?" "Seriously?" Nora scoffs. "Did you not just see my lightning lasso?"

And Godspeed is gone while the two bicker

"Okay, that's really bad." Nora says

"Warning." Gideon's voice says over the comms. "August Heart now located at 5742 Fontana Drive."

"The Flash Museum." Nora whispers, her and Bart speeding towards STAR Labs the cortex, Ronnie turns to his two younger siblings...

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