Chapter 9 - Fear Me

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3rd Person POV

With the mental inhibitors to block Psych's powers, Team Flash arrive at the bank

"Oh, it's you again." Psych says. "Well, that's disappointing."

"We're not gonna let you hurt any more people." Barry says

"Oh, I haven't hurt anyone today." Psych states. "I have freed them from a system that brings fortune to the fortunate and dooms the rest. Pretty poetic, don't you think?"

"What... what is this guy's deal?" Cisco asks

"I think he's overcompensating." Frost notes

"Definitely." Mack adds

"I don't like your friends, Flash." Psych says. "Also, if you think your flimsy dampeners can stop me, perhaps you all could use some freedom too." Psych's eyes glow and our eyes all glow purple in response. And with that, our mental inhibitors are useless as we're sucked into fears

3rd Person POV...MacKenzie's Fear...

The sound of crashing is the only thing that can be heard. And then, a young MacKenzie opens her eyes and she's upside down, strapped into the backseat of a wrecked car

"Dad?" Mack asks, voice trembling. "Mom? Daddy?" She grabs at her seatbelt, trying to get free. And when the seatbelt is pulled off of her, she falls from her position and hits the ceiling of the tipped car. And the moment she hits the ceiling of the car, she is suddenly 16 years old, strapped into the driver's seat of a wrecked car with Iris sitting next to her. "Mom!" She screams, trying to break free. But it's not use. She can't get to her mom to save her. She's trapped...she's useless


"First Fuerza, then the Speed Force shows up, now this too?" Barry asks as the team regroups in the cortex, Barry keeping Mack close to him

"Why can't I stop shaking?" Cisco asks

"Your biometrics are all elevated." Caitlin says, showing the group the scans. "I mean, your amygdalae are in overdrive."

"Wait, we had panic attacks?" Barry asks

"Extreme ones." Caitlin says. "Psych doesn't just manipulate your fear, he elevates it. But your cortisol levels are slowly stabilizing, which means..."

"Psych's powers have a residual effect." Mack realizes, recognizing what the scans mean

"And Barry has had a double dose." Cecile points out

"Where's Frost?" Caitlin asks

"She wanted to be alone." Cisco says. "Even the Ice Queen was freaked out by whatever she saw."

"The mental dampeners didn't work." Barry says

"Psych must have overpowered their circuitry." Caitlin suggests. "Which means, the next time you fight him, we won't be able to protect your mind."

"The next time?" Cisco questions. "How are we supposed to anticipate him? Stake out the banks?"

"No, he's not after money." Barry says. "Remember, he said he... he wants to free people from the power it has over them."

"So what? He has an axe to grind with the system?" Cisco questions

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It explains why he attacked the Cleary Capital offices." Cecile says. "He doesn't want cash. He wants chaos."

"Well, he got it." Barry says

"What exactly did he make you see?" Caitlin asks

"Just... Kamilla, in danger." Cisco says. "What about you? What did you see?" He asks Barry and Mack

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