Chapter 25 - Masquerade

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MacKenzie's POV

"Okay, it looks like security just switched shifts." I say as I type on the computer in the STAR Labs van in the middle of Chester and Iris

"Ilsa Faust, you are good to go." Chester says through the comms

Sue drops in as I pull up the security footage. "I'm in." Sue says through the comms

"How's it looking?" Chester asks

"Well, I'll know in a second." Sue says, tossing smoke bombs in the room

"Whoa, those are some serious lasers." Chester says as we watch

"Hey, that's not fair." I say, watching the lasers light up. "I wanna go through a laser maze." I say, looking at Iris

"Not right now." Iris says, typing on her computer makes her wayas through the laser maze

"Lasers are clear." Sue says

"You learned that in Tunisia?" Iris asks

"No." Sue says. "DeMatteis Academy of Dance."

"She's good to go." Iris says, clearing Cecile to make her way in

Cecile yelps as she is thrown around on her harness but lands on the floor successfully. "I remember why I hate rock climbing." She says

"You're doing great." Sue tells her. "Let's find that security guard and get in there." And with that, the two begin to venture through the building

As they make their way through, I make sure to keep up on the security footage so that I can track their movements

The security guard looks around the room before hearing a noise. "I gotta make sure everything's still there." He says, making his way over to where the sound came from, and with that, the vault is opened

Sue shoots the guard with a tranq and he falls to the ground. "Vault secured." Sue says through the comms

"Okay. Be very careful." Iris says. "Until we get that mask secure in S.T.A.R. Labs, consider it dangerous."

"Guys, we've got a serious problem." Caitlin's voice comes through the comms. "I was reading two brain signals, Barry and the mask, but now there's a third."

"But how's that possible?" Chester asks. "The mask is already feeding off of Barry."

"Must be targeting someone else." Iris says

"Who?" I ask, looking between Iris and Chester

"Oh my God." Iris breathes. "Sue, that's not Cecile. You need to get out of there now!" Iris tells Sue through the comms

Sue turns her tranq gun towards Cecile. "A mortal weapon against the likes of me?" Cecile's deep voice questions with the mask on. Cecile uses her powers to turn the tranq on Sue and Sue shoots herself. "Since time began, many have tried to stop me." Cecile says as our heads begin to ring

"Mom!" I exclaim, holding my head tightly

"I know, I know." Iris says, letting go of her own head to wrap her arms around me. She winces in pain

"All have failed." Cecile says

"Cecile, this isn't you." Iris tries

"Let our friends go, or we'll make you." Chester says

"Such hubris." Cecile says. "And from the boy who delivered everything I needed. How amusing. Now my host shall serve me. For eternity."


"I'm up." Sue says, sitting up in the medbay. "I feel great. I feel amazing."

"No, no, no, no, no." Caitlin says. "You're not going anywhere." She tells Sue. "Not for a little while."

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