Chapter 5 - Mother

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MacKenzie's POV

"Okay, she's breathing." Cisco says, walking away from the machine in the speedlab where I am still working on the wiring. "Mack-Attack, please step away, the wiring is perfect." He says, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away. "What's the ETA on that energy coupling reroute?"

"Energy cycle is rerouted." Barry says

"And fusion sphere completely remapped." Wells says. "I have to say, is this how you guys operate? Because that much contact with that much unrefined power, this is a huge gamble. Mr. Allen, if you're wrong about Iris, every atom in your body will be split in two."

It's silent for a moment until Caitlin breaks it. "Barry." She says, looking to the hallway where Iris is walking

Iris walks in and lays her hands on the fusion sphere. "We need you." Iris whispers. "We need you."

"I'll be okay." Barry says, putting his flash ring on. And with that, Barry runs up the ramp and begins to run laps around the speedlab (like a normal person with no superspeed)

"Energy's climbing." Wells announces

The sphere charges and sparks. "Oh, yep, ain't no A in this SF!" Chester exclaims excitedly

"We're at 100% organic speed!" Cisco announces

"We need you. We need you." Iris whispers, still holding onto the sphere. The energy crackles from the sphere and to the machine, powering it up

Electricity crackles around the room and lightning strikes Barry as he runs. Then, he runs with superspeed and skids to a stop in front of us in his Flash outfit

"I knew you'd find your way back to me." Iris says with a smile

"You'll always be my lightning rod." Barry tells her, hugging her


Down in the city, Eva is wreaking havoc with her mirror minions. Barry speeds in to save the citizens. Frost, Cisco, and I mae our way in behind Eva

"You and I could have worked together toward a common good." Eva tells Barry, focusing on him. "It's too late now. Humankind is done. My children are taking over the world, and I'm their queen mother, and tonight I begin my reign as Mirror Monarch."

"Actually, we're just getting started." Barry says

Cisco blasts Eva with a sonic wave blast and she turns around. "How do you like the sonics, my lady?" Cisco asks. "But wait, there's more." He says, pointing over at me and Frost

I can see Eva's eyes spark with slight fear as her gaze lands on me before she shakes it away

"Now, Flash." Iris says through the comms and Barry speeds past Eva, knocking her to stumble a little. Eva goes to shoot at us but Barry had stolen her gauntlets when he sped past her

"Not fair." Eva says. "You brought your team. Maybe I should bring mine." And with that, she splits into copies of Eva, dozens of copies around us

We begin to fight. Barry takes on the most of the copies, speeding through them and throwing lightning, while Cisco, Frost, and I work together to take the others down. Frost blasts with her ice and Cisco uses his sonic wave blasting weapon. I shoot my quakes

Cisco's gauntlets spark and fail. "Cover me!" He tells Frost and me. "If I can't fix these things in time..."

"You better figure something out... and fast." Frost tells him as more and more copies come closer to us, surrounding us

Cisco can't get his gauntlets working. "Let's do this. Hand to hand." He says

"I got a better idea." I say. I look from the copies to Cisco and Frost. "Get down. Now." I tell them and the two hit the deck immediately. I close my eyes and focus on my quakes

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