Chapter 18 - Family Matters: Part 1

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MacKenzie's POV

"Wait, let me get this straight." Alexa says, standing in the cortex. "I'm a force of nature? Barry's The Flash, and you two birthed me?" She chuckles. "That makes you, what? My parents?"

"Something like that." Barry says

"And I have three siblings?" Alexa asks

"Three force siblings." Iris says, running her fingers through my hair as we listen

"Right." Alexa whispers, looking at me. "So three force siblings and you two have a daughter, her..." She says, nodding at me

"Yes." Barry says

"And one of my force siblings just tried to kill me." Alexa says

"Technically, Alexa, she did kill you." Caitlin says. "But your biometrics are stable. So I think you're fine."

"Wait, how did you bring me back anyway?" Alexa asks

"We don't actually know." Caitlin says. "But according to my initial tests, the three of you share the same bio-kinetic genome sequence."

"Kind of like how a parent and their child share the same DNA." Iris says

"Exactly, except we're talking about cosmic DNA. So you can sense their cells on a quantum level and vice versa." Caitlin says

"So they can sense one another?" Cisco asks. "That is so damn cute."

"Wait, if we're all connected, can't the other forces sense each other, too?" Alexa asks

"If Nora finds them before we do..." Iris starts

"She's gonna kill them." Cisco finishes

"All right, well, where are we with finding Deon and Psych?" Barry asks

"Chester and I are working on a tracking system to locate Deon's temporal isotopes across timelines." Cisco says. "I'm monitoring the data, while he's out there setting up the sensors."

"And The Citizen is looking into Psych." Iris says. "We're gonna see if we can ID his human identity. We do that, we can find him."

"Well, we better do it fast." Cisco says, pulling up scans on the screen. "I've been seeing intermittent spikes of Nora's isotopic signature all across the city. And there's been a ton of reports of spontaneous lightning. Your firstborn is pissed."

"She's gonna come after me again." Alexa says, worried

"And if she does, we will protect you." Iris says

"How? You couldn't the last time." Alexa says with fear in her voice

"She's not going to this time." Barry says. "We're gonna train you to control your powers."

"Wait, you want me to control that monster?" Alexa asks

"Think about it." Barry tells her. "Nora needed me to help to take you down. If you could control your powers, I don't think she'd be able to hurt you again."

"What if I hurt you or kill someone else during this training?" Alexa asks, looking around the room. "I can't hurt anyone else."

"We'll... we'll make sure you don't. Let us help you." Barry tells her


"That was Caleb Fairweather, the billionaire tech guy." Iris realizes, watching the man be wheeled out on a gurney. "What happened to him?"

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