Chapter 23 - Good-Bye Vibrations

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MacKenzie's POV

"All right, crime spree's over, miss." Barry says as we arrive on the scene. "Step away from the case."

"You think I'm a crook?" The woman – Rainbow Raider 2.0 – asks. She scoffs. "Flash, you've got it all wrong. Nice leotard, by the way."

"Thank you." Barry says

"Mm, who's the sidekick?" Rainbow Raider 2.0 asks

"Well, she's Tremors..." Cisco starts, pointing at me

"Oh please, her, I've heard of." Rainbow Raider 2.0 tells Cisco with a scoff before looking at him

"Oh...well, I'm Mecha-Vibe, and you're... toast." Cisco says, shooting the light device at her

Nothing happens. Rainbow Raider 2.0 chuckles. "Wanna see a real light show now?" She asks before blasting her powers and then a valet jumps into a car and drive

Oh, it's not exactly Circuit de la Sarthe, but let's see how fast this baby can go!

"Uh, Flash?" Cisco says at the same time I elbow Barry in the side. Barry grabs my arm and speeds away to take care of it

Barry speeds back with me and Rainbow Raider 2.0 is gone. "Where'd she go? Where'd she go?" Barry asks. "She had, like, $1 million worth of jewelry. Mecha-Vibe?"

"That's my name." Cisco says Don't wear it out! Dude, I am so happy to have you two in my life!" He exclaims, bearhugging me and Barry

"Okay, this is happening." Barry says. "On a very public street."

"Oh, man, don't be embarrassed." Cisco says. "Embrace it."

"We should probably stop." Barry says

"You know I love you, right?" Cisco says. "Both of you."


Cisco is singing in the medbay as Caitlin tries to figure out what is wrong with him

"At least he's not raging out and trying to kill us." Caitlin says with a shrug

"You know, that's a good point." I say, watching Cisco

"Why didn't the prism grid work?" Barry asks

"My working theory is that Roy used one color of the spectrum, red, to induce anger in his victims." Caitlin says

"But our 2.0 version uses the whole rainbow." Barry reasons. "Since that makes her power seven times stronger than Roy's, when Cisco tried using the grid..."

"She overloaded it with vibrational energy from the entire electromagnetic spectrum." Caitlin says

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Cisco exclaims before falling off the bed

"Speaking of overloaded, he's gonna be like that till tomorrow." Caitlin says

"I'll have the satellites keep searching for Rainbow Raider 2.0." Barry says. "Once we get a hit, I'll meta-cuff her and give her a one-way transport to Iron Heights."

"Okay, great, but what about him?" Caitlin asks

"Hey, hey!" Cisco exclaims. "I'm doin' just fine! Thanks for asking."

"We're gonna need a babysitter." Barry says


"Satellite's picked up our perp's van parked right outside Ferris Airfield." Caitlin announces and I look over at her computer screen. "It's registered to a former collections officer named Carrie Bates."

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