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mike got up from the couch to answer the loudly ringing phone from the kitchen, I wiped my tears away and tried to compose myself when he left. as I heard him talking, I heard a voice from next to me.

"will..." I heard from the front door.

as it repeated, I stood up from the couch and slowly walked over to the door that was opening by itself.
I started noticing the street light flickering, along with the whispering continuously calling my name. I didn't want to walk towards it, but it was like a magnet was pulling me forward. I couldn't help it.
The voice dragged me down the street to the empty alley way. Every light in sight was flickering, once I was standing in the middle of the alley, the voices and lights stopped at once. I found myself alone in the middle of it.
what the hell?
I was about to walk back to his house, feeling stupid, but I heard the sound of gravel scraping against the ground.
I turned around, and felt a large blunt to my head making me fall to the ground before I could even see who was behind me.
I felt like i had just passed out, my ears were ringing and my head was pounding.
I could hear muffled shouting from above me.
-"do you have any idea how bad you made me look? Getting beat up by a queer? you could've just ruined my reputation!" Troy yelled.
-"go fucking cry about it." I stuttered, from how much pain I was in.
I watched his arms go above his head, about to hit me, I felt too tired to block my head, so I closed my eyes and turned it.
when I didn't feel anything, I looked up and saw mike standing behind Troy with a crowbar in his hand.
I heard the crowbar clang into the floor as it fell, the same time troy collapsed to the floor.
mike ran over to me and fell on his knees trying to lift my head up.
My eyes were starting to fall as I felt tired.
my head was pounding from the blood pouring out the front of my head.
-"Will! Will don't fall asleep!!" He shook me, holding my head up from the ground.
-"my head.." I groan, reaching my hand to the upper part of my forehead.
Mike let go of me, ripping the end of his shirt off and held the piece of cloth to my head, making me slightly wince.
-"hold on, will! I called the police, they're on their way! Just please stay awake!" He frantically begged me."
i could feel myself getting dizzy, I could also feel the blood dripping down my face as he sat me up. It was all over mikes shirt.
i felt like I was about to fall asleep, before the sound of sirens startled me a bit, I heard car doors shut and got a glimpse of Hopper and 3 other officers running towards me.
I heard them calling for an ambulance on their walkie talkie, but my vision was blurry and my ears were still ringing..
I just felt my eyes beginning to shut.


My heart was racing as hop and I tried to keep Will awake, but as soon as wills eyes shut, I freaked out.
-"Joyce! Go get Joyce, mike! Now!!" Hop yelled, pushing me.
I got up and sprinted as fast as I could behind the woods to Joyce's house.
My body slammed against her door a bit as I tried to open it, but it was locked.
I banged on the door many times, loudly, before she finally opened.
-"It's Will!" I yelled.
She noticed some of the blood on my shirt and hands, she frantically grabbed her keys before we both got in her car and sped down the street, trying not to crash.
she pulled up the same time ambulance did, when she ran to Hopper and saw Will she broke down.
-"oh my god, Will!!" She cried, kneeling down."
Nobody noticed Troy getting up, they were too focused on Will. Nobody but me. I saw him about to run away, but I tackled him to the floor giving another officer enough time to grab him.
I turned my attention back to Will when I saw his fainted body being carried on a stretcher.
Joyce and I ran to the van and got in the back with him.
i hugged her as she cried in my arms, hysterically. I couldn't help but cry either, it was such an emotional and confusing time.
watching wills pale and bloody body just laying there gave me the chills, how could Troy do this? It was just a broken nose, there's no way a sane person could do this. Was he trying to kill him?
Did it work?
Joyce didn't let go of me, not until we got to the hospital in less than 3 minutes.
We ran inside as we watched him being ran to the emergency room, we stayed there.. watching, I hugged her again trying to calm her down.
Hopper ran in and took over, but looked at me over her shoulder.
-"call Jonathan, your parents, and el!" He whispered.
I hustled to the telephone booth that was right outside.
I dialed Jonathan's number, it took him a while to answer before he did.
-"Hello?" His voice called.
-"It's Mike! You need to come to the hospital, wills here and he's hurt really badly.. please hurry." I said, not realizing I was crying.
I heard the dial tone ring, he hung up.
I quickly called Nancy and el before Jonathan got there and saw me outside.
He grabbed my arm as we ran in together, he called for Joyce when he saw her.
she was still crying, he hugged her and I just stared and watched her break down.
After a few minutes, the bell to the door rung. I turned around and saw all of my friends running in.
-"what happened??" All of them asked me.
I couldn't even speak, I felt choked up.
My voice was gone, I felt tears in my eyes.
El pulled me into her arms as I cried, I was taller than her, so it was hard.
The rest of my friends one by one hugged the both of us together in a huddle.
i couldn't help but cry, I didn't have anything else to say.
I didn't even know what to say.

will could die.

A/N: tyy for 3k reads you guys are so amazing that's so cool ily 🫶🫶
anyways the story is ending soon most likely but I'm doing a Noah Schnapp story after this so I'll post more about it after this series :)

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