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[ mike wheeler ]

I walked to my locker the next day, noticing Will wasn't at his. I started to get worried, he didn't call me yesterday like he said he would. I understand why he didn't though, he's dealing with his dad right now. It makes me so mad that he's back, and also sad for Will. What if he gets hurt again? Or worse?
I wanted to see if he was here, so I unlocked his locker with his code he had told me, his bag wasn't here. He's probably just not feeling well and wanting to stay home, right?
i walk into algebra 1, el and Dustin were there like they usually were. I sat down at my seat, which was in the 4th back row.
El and Dustin walked up to me and sat down at the empty seats near me that were already taken.
-"have you heard anything from Will yet?" I asked her.
-"no, he's just upset about his dad. But something seems.. off with him." She explained.
-"what do you mean by that?" Dustin asked before I could.
-"he's been quiet, he doesn't talk when eating dinner, if he even wants to eat. He hasn't really came out of his room, he looks sad all the time. And don't think it's just because of his dad..."
-"you don't think.." Dustin's eyes widened.
-"he lied about what happened to his leg. His story has gaps in it. He was with me right before it happened. we were studying together, and he left to go somewhere.. why would he go to the janitors closet? And why would there be scalpels in there?" I explained, connecting the dots.
-"and his wound was way to big and deep for the scalpels we use, so.."
-"someone must've stabbed him." I said, balling my fists.
-"hey dipshit, get out of my seat." a jock said, squeezing Dustin's shoulder.
Dustin and el got up and sat at their original assigned seats.
i had to ask him about it, If it is true, why would he lie to me? What if Troy did this? why would troy do that though? of course, he's an asshole, but for no reason? He has nothing against Will, besides being gay. everything just made no sense. What if it was an intruder? but wouldn't the lockdown alarm had gone off?
my mind was spiraling the entire class, not even paying attention to my teacher and her annoying ass voice.
i was just ready to figure out what happened yesterday. Will and I haven't talked, I figured he would need me if he was sad and he'd come to me, but he's distancing himself. He'll come around, it's only been a day. I just need to calm down and hope for the best.


the bell for lunch rang, but instead of heading to the cafeteria with my friends, I walked to the library to call Mrs Byers or Will.
I dialed his home number, and after a long time of ringing Joyce answered.
-"hello?" She spoke through the phone.
-"Mrs Byers?"
-"mike? Hey, are you calling for Will?"
-"yeah, is he okay?"
-"I'm not sure, you can ask him yourself if you want."
I faintly heard her yelling wills name from the other room, and after about 30 seconds, I heard his voice.
-"hello?" He spoke, his voice sounded rough and tired. He didn't sound good at all.
-"will? i haven't heard from you in a while, everything okay?" He asked.
-"I mean, considering my dads trying to come back and ruin my life again, yeah I'm doing great." He groaned, sounding like he just woke up.
-"okay, do you still want me to come by for dinner this Saturday?" I ask.
-"for sure, I want to see you again before then. Come after school for a little bit?" He asked, yawning.
-"for sure, bye will." I said, smiling at hearing his voice again.
he hung up quickly, I hated he wasn't doing well. I had to ask him about it, but I didn't want to risk him getting upset or mad at me if he was telling the truth, but I was 99% sure he wasn't.
I walked to the cafeteria where my friends were, they haven't gotten their food yet.
-"what did he say?" Max asked.
-"he said he was fine, but he sounded kind of sick. We all need to talk to him after school about his leg." I said.
-"why us? He's your boyfriend." Lucas whispered at the last part.
-"yeah, well besides what we are, all of us are best friends. and our other friend could possibly be in danger, so we need to help him, okay?" I balled my fists a little.
they all nodded, agreeing with me.
-"what about his dad?" Dustin asked.
-"what about him?" I reply.
-"what's going on with them, where's his dad staying?" Max asked for Dustin.
-"I don't know, I was going to ask him by myself."
-"I thought we were all friends!" Lucas asked, quoting after me.
-"I'm sorry, do you want to date him to get those privileges?" I mocked him.


I tapped my foot in Spanish in the silent room, staring at the clock that was about to turn 3:15 in one minute. I glanced quickly at wills empty chair next to me a few times.
it seemed like this was the longest minute of my life. I should be doing my homework right now.
the clock ticked to the 3, making me pack up all my stuff as the bell rung. I was one of the first ones to leave the class as the teacher was talking.
i shoved my homework in my bag and left out the door, waiting for all of my friends outside.
we all rode our bikes side by side to wills house, 2.5 miles away.
once we got there, we dropped our bikes on the sidewalk and knocked on the door to meet with Joyce.
-"hey, guys. Wills still in his room, you can try to go in. Cant make any promises of him letting you in." She said, letting us in her house.
we walked down the steps to wills room, but I waited to open the door.
-"stay out here for like, 5 minutes." I whispered, before opening the door and shutting it as I walked inside.
-"mom, get out my room." He growled with his back turned to me, at his desk.
-"it's mike."
he turned around at the sound of my voice, I could see sadness in his eyes. I sat on the side of his bed and he got up to sit next to me, not talking.
-"I'm sorry, Will. with your dad, I understand if you need a break from things for a while." I told him.
-"what do you mean?" he asked, I realized what I just said sounded like.
-"I mean, if you don't want to come to school for a few days and just take a break, I understand that. I can do your homework for you?" I said trying to be comforting.
-"hard pass." He chuckled, sniffling.
-"what did your dad want, anyway?" I ask after a moment of silence.
-"he wants to start another relationship with me, saying he's sorry and that me misses me. It's all bullshit, he's just saying that because my moms making more money now that she lives with hopper. he just wants money. it's all just a fucking lie, I'm really starting to get pissed off. At this point I'm a fucking joke to him and it's so fucking funny." He said, his anger was building up. I could tell by the way he kept saying "fuck". He never curses that much, only when he's mad. and he was furious.
He got up from the bed and started pacing around, slowly.
-"I mean, he can't seriously believe that if think he's just going to stop drinking like that! It's fucking Bull. and the fact that after everything he's done to me, to Jonathan, to my mom.."
he started to kick a bunch of random things around.
-"he keeps. On. Coming. Back!!" He gritted his teeth, kicking his desk.
I stood up and grabbed his shoulders.
-"hey, calm down.."
-"no, don't fucking tell me to calm down!" He snapped, making me swipe my hands away.
I was shocked by the way he was so angry. I noticed tears forming in his eyes before he looked down and started crying.
-"hey.." i whispered, pulling him into my chest to cry. he held onto my torso as if he was about to die, he was crying uncontrollably.
-"I'm sorry." He whispered through tears.
-"hey, don't say anything. Don't apologize." I whispered, as he was starting to calm down.
-"Will, are you sure this is all about your dad?" I asked, sitting him down on his bed.
-"what?" He whispered, with a voice crack.
-"are you in any danger outside of your dad?"
-"what are you talking about?" he asked, almost scoffing.
I could sense he was going to get mad, before even asking. But I had to ask, I didn't care if he got mad.
-"are you sure someone didn't stab your leg instead of you falling?"
-"what? Of course I fell! nobody stabbed me." he said, smiling awkwardly.
-"Will.." I tilted my head.
-"do you think I'm lying to you?" He asked, standing up.
-"no Will, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please just stay safe, okay?" I assured him.
he nodded, before I pulled him into his chest with my hand on the back of his head.
he sniffled, hugging me tightly.
-"I'm coming to school tomorrow, by the way." he said, as I was turning around to walk out.
-"is that what you want to do?" I ask him.
-"no, but my moms making me." He said.
-"I'll be there with you, and so will the rest of our friends. want max and i to pick you and el up tomorrow?" I ask.
-"would you?" He asked, sitting down on his bed.
-"of course." I gave him a smile, before turning around to walk towards the door. When I opened it, all of them were leaning against the door so they fell through onto my feet. I kicked them and pushed them out of the way.
-"wait, I didn't get to say hi to Will!" Dustin whispered, as I closed the door.
-"he's not up for it! Get up off the ground!" I kicked him again.
they got up, and started heading out the front door where our bikes were.
i hoped with every bone in my body..

that tomorrow would be a better day for will.

A/N: 100+ votes thank you sm!! <33 ily guys sm thanks for encouraging me and this story it means so much

things change - bylerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz