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2 and a half months pass by, mike and I have called numerous times. it's usually him just checking up on me every week. Everyone Sunday morning, he asks what I do all week and I return the same question, and we just usually talk about whatever for about 5-10 minutes. This week is different though, because it's the last week he'll ever have to call me like that ever again, since I'm moving back home to Hawkins on Wednesday. We have to drive, which sucks because it's a 30 hour drive. But we can't transport our things any other way besides drive. I'm not looking forward to it. I am, however, looking forward to seeing all of my friends again, and mike. This time, permanently again. Maybe my life can turn around, this is just what I needed. Today was our last day of school, Friday, June 3rd. El and I are super excited, mostly because we're leaving this hick town, but also because we're going home. Our real home. my mom and hopper bought a different house though, i haven't seen it yet, but I heard it's nicer then our old one. We're both stoked for that too. Most of our stuff was packed, except for our beds and main furniture and stuff. We had stuffed the back of hops van with stuff, and a rental truck for the rest of our things.
el and I walked up to our school building, for the last time ever. We looked at each other, smiling, as we walked inside and to our first period class for attendance. We had to split up, since I had biology for first and she had English.

-"okay, everyone's here today. get up from your seats and walk slowly to the auditorium and find a seat QUIETLY." our teacher said.
we all stood up, walking to the giant auditorium, where all the teachers were with a bunch of papers next to them.
once everyone was seated in the giant room, our principal started speaking.
-"to celebrate our last day of this year, we will be handing our personalized awards from your teachers to you, come up when your name is called to grab your certificate."
Teachers began calling up students from each subject for their awards, starting with science and English and Spanish.
-"certificate of achievement, from English class, goes to Jane Eleanor Hopper." The English teacher announced.
there was scattered clapping around, I looked at her nodding my head smiling while clapping for her. She walked up as everyone staring at her to get her paper.
she walked back up and sat down, embarrassed of all the eyes on her. I understood how she felt.
there were many certificates left, but they seemed to go by so fast. By the time there were only two left, I was starting to get nervous. I didn't know why, I just was.
-"for perfect honor roll in the freshman class, William Byers." the principal announced.
I felt nervous walking up there, I felt people staring at me. i shook it off, before walking back up the bleachers next to el. the last award was being announced, every one was wanting it. Especially since it was the student of the year award, that only 4 people would get. One in freshmen year, then sophomore, junior, and senior. i don't know why everyone was wanting it, it's just a stupid piece of paper. It's not anything important.

-"the award for freshman of the year, the most respectful to teachers and other students, with honorable leadership skills, and puts a lot of effort in everything goes to.."

everyone was on the edge of their seats, mostly because this kind of stuff can increase your chance of earning a scholarship for college. But really, it's just a piece of paper it was getting ridiculous.

-"Jane hopper!" She announced.

everyone was quiet, I was about to start clapping until I heard someone from in front of me stand up and speak.

-"how is that possible?! I'm all of those things!! Why is she freshman of the year?! She doesn't even have that great of honor roll!" Angela complained, making a scene.

el awkwardly walked up to the principal, not sure if she should or not.
-"Angela, she simply earned it. I didn't make that decision, your teachers did." The principal said.
-"but that's not fair!" She yelled.
-"take a seat!" The other, strict principle yelled at her.
She obeyed, giving el a dirty look as she walked back up to her seat.
She sat down next to me, I could tell she was angry. Everyone was staring at her, I felt bad.
as we were dismissed from the auditorium to our first period class again, I was walking next to el. She looked.. angry. Like she wanted to hurt someone. We were walking a few feet behind Angela and her friends.
suddenly, Angela fell to the ground, straight on her face. She hit her head, because she was bleeding on the side of her temple. Everyone of her friends were laughing at her. She got up and ran away from embarrassment.
I look over at el, her nose was bleeding. She looked at me, wiping it away.

they're back.

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