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i woke up from the morning sunlight coming through my window and hitting my face. I almost forgot it was my birthday until I went upstairs and my mom greeted me with a hug.
-"happy birthday! I made waffles, they're waiting for you at the table." She smiled.
-"thanks, mom." I rubbed my eyes while walking into the dining room.

I sat down next to mike and el, they weren't saying anything to me or each other, maybe they were just tired. It was 7 in the morning, after all. I just ignored it and ate my breakfast while watching the tv from the living room.

-"Jonathan will be back, he had to go do something. He can take you guys to the rink-o-mania once he gets back." my mom said, as I walked towards the sink to wash my plate.
-"alright." I sighed.
my phone rang, I walked to my room and answered the loud ringing.
-"happy birthday will!!" Max, Lucas, and Dustin yell into the phone at once.
-"oh, thanks guys." I chuckle.
-"we just wanted to call to wish you a good day, we will be visiting this Friday, sorry we couldn't come today." Max apologized.
-"it's completely fine. I cant wait." I said
-"neither can we, bye will!" They all said.
I hung up, smiling.
i showered upstairs, and got ready for the rest of my day. I was still surprised after a few hours of hanging back and waiting for Jonathan, that neither of them really talked to me. they haven't said happy birthday yet. maybe they will at the skating rink, hopefully. I mean, I'm 15 now. I don't really take a big deal into my birthday anymore like I used to, I'm not a child anymore. But I still expect my friends to wish me a good birthday. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. They would never forget my birthday!

we were watching tv in the living room, when we heard loud, obnoxious honking coming from outside, meaning Jonathan was home.
we all headed outside to his car, which was finally fixed. I sat up front as they sat in the back.
Jonathan noticed i was quieter then usual, those two were talking and giggling in the back as I was waiting for him to leave the driveway in silence.
-"you alright?" Jonathan asked.
-"of course." I smiled weakly.

he sighed, before turning his keys and driving away downtown, 12 minutes away. Once we got in, we got our skates and walked to a table. they wouldn't stop talking and laughing with each other. I was starting to get annoyed, it was like I wasn't even there. I was so excited for him to get here, he was like my best friend. Not anymore, I guess.

once we actually got on the rink, it was even worse. They were holding hands, laughing with each other. It was so miserable, since I was right behind them. Being forced to watch the way they look at each other. I hate sounding selfish, but if it weren't for me, they probably wouldn't have met.

i didn't even know what to do all day, it's my birthday. And they completely forgot because they're too focused on each other. At least max and the others wished me happy birthday. I mean, I'm glad they did. It made me feel better, but I really wanted to hear him tell me it. i mean, especially el forgot. We've been living together for a year, she's practically my sister. The entire night I was quiet, just following them around.
after an hour, we both got a table to eat, I sat on the other end as they held hands sharing a milkshake.

-"I'll be back, I have to use the restroom. Save some for me." She smiled, standing up.
we both watched her walk away or the bathroom, I turned around, playing with my straw, bored frankly.

-"what is wrong with you today?" mike scoffs.
-"what?" I look up slowly and chuckle, shocked.
-"you're not talking, to either of us! You've never been so quiet, it's hurting el's feelings. And mine!"

I just look at him, with my eyes widened.

-"you're ruining the entire day." He says, flatly.
-"you're joking.. right? IM hurting your guys' feelings? Do you even know todays my birthday? or are you just too busy swapping spit with my sister?" I cross my arms.

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