The outcast

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This means normal talking or actions.
This means thoughts or emphasis on words.

Luna's pov

I can't believe they were thrown out the window, maybe stolen and hidden, but never thrown!!
Luna was stuck having to find her shoes again, but instead of them being lost in the castle, they were thrown in the black lake along with her wand. And right after the year had just started.

Located somewhere in Scotland, was a huge castle. It had towers, a garden, a field with high stands around it. But most people didn't know it existed or even seen it. This castle was...... different.

It wasn't for royalty or some important leader, it was for wizards and witches to learn magic. The students and staff inside radiated a welcoming energy to the new students coming in.
It was just the beginning of the school year, and the start of term dinner was taking place. "Now a toast, to a new and wonderful year!", Dumbledore, the head Master, said with much cheer and a twinkle in his eyes. The staff and students clapped, except for a certain Ravenclaw girl, who just so happened to start her 5th year. The first years around her looked at her with much curiosity, she had a dazed look in her eyes and fondness, most would say it was a dreamy one. She had pale skin, long dirty blond hair, and looked ....weird.

She wore radish earrings, a butterbear cork necklace, brightly-colored glasses, and was reading The Quibbler, but..... upside down? Everyone knew The Quibbler was nothing but rubbish, so why was a Ravenclaw reading it? After the clapping died down everyone had started to notice this strange girl who didn't seem bothered about the stares around her. The ones who knew her rolled their eyes, another boy in Ravenclaw shouted,

"Hey Looney Lovegood, stop creeping out the new kids, maybe this year you'll finally be normal!".

Everyone that heard started laughing, including the staff. But yet nothing seemed to faze her, all she did was smile at him. Soon the laughter died and everyone continued to eat.

Her name was luna lovegood, she was strange to those around her, they didn't understand her. So she was bullied for her ways and looks, they even gave her a cruel nickname. She may have seemed unfazed, but inside she could feel her heart break just a bit.

The next day, luna skipped through the halls about to enter the great hall when two gryffindors walked in front of her. They both glared at her while she just looked back at them with a distant gaze.

"Hello, I'm Luna lovegood, are you aware that there are nargles in your hair, nasty creatures aren't they?", she spoke with a dreamy voice.

The boys scoffed at her,

"The only nasty thing I see here is you Lovegood",

"Haven't you learned already? There's no place for people like you here"

"So get lost already", they said in sync.

But Luna's gaze didn't falter instead she looked at them with confusion and said,

"I don't understand, aren't all the people here magical? And how can I get lost if I know where I am? Are you sure the nargles haven't already gotten to you, do you need me to call Madam Pomfrey?"


Just like that, her wand was taken. They even somehow took her shoes right off her feet.

Oh darn, I really hope they didn't hurt anything in the lake.

Even through everything Luna didn't care about the people who did this to her or ridiculed her. All she wanted to do was get her things back. When people did these things, she saw it as a fun game. Maybe that's why most didn't understand her. But she was alright with that, she'd rather be hated for who she is than being liked for who she wasn't.

Luna skipped through the halls of the great castle that sheltered all the students of magic. All the students who had a place at Hogwarts, something she never had.

Your houses are your family, but how come I'm an outcast in my own?

Maybe it was just another riddle she had to solve.

Once Luna had gotten to the lake, the giant squid was kind enough to give her her things back, including a little trinket.

That's strange, I wonder who's it is, it's very beautiful. Welp time to make some lost posters then

Through Luna's thinking conversation, she spun the trinket in her hand. Then everything felt as if it was spinning and all the colors around her started to wash away. Then it all stopped.

Well that was.... strange. What just happened? Please tell me I didn't just die??? Or worse, I got kidnapped by heliopaths!!!

Unbeknownst to all, Luna lovegood was very dramatic and many other things. Luna looked around her to see if anything had happened, but so far nothing was out of place. That was until she was walking back to the castle. That she saw it....

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