Chapter 1. Nong A082

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"Whats your name Nong"?

"Its Mew kurb... Mew Suppassit. Faculty of Mechanical".

"Okay Nong. Here is your name tag. Your id A082". The Phi on the front desk handed him a name tag that he was required to put in his neck.

He moved ahead waiting for his friends to join him. He was a freshman to join the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He was intellegent and a bright student. And was ready to face all the challenges in study.

Soon his friends Thanitt Itthipatt and Tee Jarujitaranon joined him. They were told to join the orientation session in the main auditorium, that they were heading to. And later they had to go to the admin for their dorm allocation.

The orientation hall was filled with thousands of students. Girls and boys all excitingly waiting to start their new life as university students.

They were also having a little chit chat, sitting near the front row of the stage that was quite high and huge.

The hall suddenly fell silent as the door to the east corner opened. They stood up too to see who was coming.

It was their Faculty head in the center, with their professors. And then Mew Thanitt and Tee saw five boys in Blue Jacekts entering the door. They stood behind them hands at their backs.

The faculty head welcomed all the students asking them to sit while introducing them with the professors who would be teaching them. Then their professors came to take the mic. Briefing them about their majors, their credit hours. They didnt take much time before wishing them good luck and leaving the stage..

"Nongs"..... They all snapped their heads up listening to a cold and stern voice.

A boy in blue jacket came farward to stand by the mic. It was pin drop silence in the hall filled with thousands of the students.

"I am Max Nattapol, your senior from second year Mechanical engineer. And we are the hazers. You will be directly assisted by us, will be guided through your schedules. You can come up to us in case you need any help any assistance". He stepped back only to let the other boy come up who introduced himself as Tul Pakorn. There were two more boys August Vachiravit and Sek Suthaphong.

They more or less repeated the same things that Max Nattapol told them. About a brief history of their faculty. And schedules. And then the freshmen were announced about their Hazing sessions. SOTUS. A month starting from the very first day this Monday since it was Friday and the students were given the weekend off to settle in their dorms.

There were murmurs around the hall. Some had heard about the barbaric Sotus. Some respected the traditions. Some were new to the word and were looking forward to it.

Mew and his friends were just looking at the stage. Luckily or unluckily they had heard about the drill. From their cousins and family who were engineers.

"SOTUS. Seniority, Order, Tradition, Unity, and Spirit. These five words makes us who we are. This is the introduction of an Engineer.

Seniority. That you have to respect your Seniors. You have to obey them.

Order. That you have to follow the rules assigned to you in the specified format given.

Tradition. To keep the legacy being passed to all of you by the end of the trainings.

Unity. To stand with each other as one family and not individuals. Once you are united, your hearts will bound with each other as a brotherhood. We as engineers dont leave our seniors and juniors alone in their struggles ever.

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