Chapter 61 What Fell From Grace

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Kallen's heart pounded desperately as she raced through the darkening tunnel. She was searching for her light in a depraved world. She wanted to save it but she didn't want to save it by herself. Her journey brought to light the ugliness that Otto had shielded her away from. The people she wanted to protect weren't as beautiful as she thought. They weren't like Otto. But she refused to believe that they couldn't be redeemed. It was her duty and greatest desire to save them all, even if she had to do it alone.

Kallen extended her senses, her ears picked up nothing, the tunnel had become eerily quiet save for the cripple running behind her. Why didn't he escape? Was he that scared? Kallen didn't place any importance on that thought. Otto's safety came first. At that moment Kallen wasn't a hero, she was just a scared girl who had everything to lose.

A haunting memory resurfaced in the back of her mind. Back when her father died. Back then Kallen had holed herself in her room, refusing to talk to anyone. Some maids came by to check on her. Her aunt, her uncle, and her cousins all knocked on the door to comfort her. But in truth, they couldn't comfort her. Despite being related by blood, despite living in the same household Kallen didn't connect with them. In her heart, she looked down on all of them. They descended from the same lineage as her yet none of them had the heroic spirit of the Kaslanas.

She didn't feel the same way now. How could she when her faith commanded her to commit the unthinkable? She understood her family a little more, the faith that called for their loved ones to die had its flaws. Which was why she only chose to believe in some of its ideals.


A child Kallen lay in bed, her world had become so dark and devoid of life. She ran out of tears after a day but inwardly she felt no better. Her father's charred body was still fresh in her mind and Otto, she hadn't seen him since he offered to trade his life for her father's. She was so lonely, that her carefree nature no longer bubbled to the forefront of her demeanor.

She shouldn't be like this. Her father would tell her to be strong, to live with the pain. That's what she told Otto but they were only words. She wanted him to come back. She wanted him to give her shoulder rides and bedtime kisses. She wanted to eat the terrible food he made. She wanted to spend more time with him.

A light knock at her door suddenly eased her from her suffering. If only just a bit. She quickly got out of bed to see Otto standing before her. He looked exhausted but he wore a strong smile on his face. His cheek was still bruised from the slap she gave him. In his hands, he held a large square box the size of his torso. It was completely wooden with a detailed engraving on the top. Ciel Haut Bakery it read. It was Kallen's favorite restaurant. They made especially decadent desserts that always cheered her up no matter what the situation.

"Kallen." Child Otto said. A worried look appeared in his eye. But he did his best to stay cheerful despite the situation. He was here to cheer her up and comfort her.

"Otto!" Kallen cried as she jumped at him. Otto quickly set the box aside to embrace her. "You. Where were you? I needed you. It was so cold. It was so cold."

Otto apologized. "I'm sorry for being late Kallen..... I'm sorry."

He comforted her like a baby and he sat her down on the floor to serve her something to cheer her up. Kallen observed Otto's actions with droopy eyes. She cried now and then which prompted Otto to embrace her and comfort her.

Now that Kallen felt she had a safe place once more she looked at Otto's odd condition. He wore a shoddy maid outfit that covered his entire body. She couldn't see any bit of skin beyond his face. Otto's face wore conflicting emotions but Kallen couldn't tell what they were.

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