Chapter 24 Progress

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Paris was truly the city of love and for the first time in a couple of days the winter rain stopped and the clouds parted to reveal a beaming sun. Its light commanded the citizens of the city to rest and enjoy a day of leisure. Even the heavy hand of the church was an afterthought on this day. Trailing tears washed away the muck that had built up on the streets and the city never looked cleaner. A mix of freshened air and store scents wafted throughout its expansive streets as couples flocked to cafes and restaurants to catch this very rare break in their lives. Not one store, restaurant, or pub resisted the aroma of love in the air. Well, all but one whose occupants included a silver-haired blue-eyed gentleman and a fiery black-haired, red-eyed lady. Tension was thick in the air though, bystanders couldn't figure out what was the problem plaguing this otherwise perfect pair. Their serious faces seemed to reject the notion that Paris was truly the city of love. Was it a stand-off or a date?

Across the street, a modest lady wearing clothes she wouldn't normally wear and a wig, watched the two love birds with moderate frustration. Those two really shared a similar mindset when it came to approaching their feelings. After interacting a little more with her sister's cuter side, Joy Fienre had come to understand that Adrienne handled all nerve-racking situations with the same impassive expression. It always worked against Honkai beasts, in situations where the odds were against her, why not in the realm of love. Fred Kaslana probably thought the same way. It was so frustrating, a staring contest between two fierce gazes was never going to advance any of their goals. If they couldn't get past their lack of communication no progress would be made. Communication is the foundation of all relationships: trust, feelings, security, and happiness all depend on communication to succeed. Lies should be cleared up, problems should be discussed, and feelings should be expressed. Leave out any of the three and a relationship would be sure to fall apart.

Joy was no cupid. Though she understood the basics of a relationship, her wingman skills were nonexistent. She sipped her afternoon tea rigidly, her mind swayed back and forth almost rhythmically as if to summon a solution.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Joy almost spilled her tea. Who had the audacity and impromptu of manner to sneak up upon a young lady such as herself? Though she wore plain clothes and had less makeup on than normal, it was still improper for any man to sneak up on a woman. She looked up to see a charming dirty blonde, brown-eyed man.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"It's a pleasant day, I'd be hard-pressed to not ensure that my best friend's day is pleasant too."

Joy snorted, that mischievous grin of his, she did not trust his words one bit. Will remained standing for a moment observing the mute love birds across the street.

"May I sit?"

"You....can seat yourself."

"Thank you."

Will takes a seat across from Joy, his sight never left Fred and Adrienne.

"Is she dense too?"

"I don't know, but she's exploring new territory."

"So is he."

"He's no playboy right?"

"You see the scene before you, a child could make better conversation on their first date, I'd be surprised if Fred was able to start it."

Joy nodded in agreement, in a few short exchanges she suddenly felt comfortable talking to Will. Perhaps it was his down-to-earth speech, his friendly nature.

"My sister is no better. Suppose we help them."
"How do you propose we do that?"

"I have no clue, do you have any ideas?"

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